Monday, November 30, 2015

Community Service Opportunities (Link Below)

If you need community service hours, check the link below.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Blog Assignment Week of 11.13

Use the sentence frame below to analyze "Young Goodman Brown"

In his (novel or short story) (title)________________(author)______________________________ uses 

______________________ (literary element) to ____ by  ____

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Blog Assigment Week of 10.26

Use the sentence frame below to analyze the tension between the narrative perspective and the protagonist in Henry James's story "The Pupil".  Make sure to discuss the narrator's tone and the syntax. 

In his (novel or short story) (title)________________________________(author)______________________________ uses


______________________ (narrative perspective) and ____________________________________________________(tone) to


______________________________________________ by ___________________________________________________________________

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

"My Papa's Waltz" by Theodore Roethke and "Mother to Son" by Langston Hughes

"My Papa's Waltz" by Theodore Roethke, read by the poet.  

"Mother to Son" by Langston Hughes, read by Viola Davis. 

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Week Nine Blog Post

Use the sentence frame below to compare the significance of home and family relationships in two of the following texts:

     Oedipus Rex
     Romeo and Juliet 
     To Kill a Mockingbird
     The Cather in the Rye
     "Where the Wild Things Are"

Both texts (title)_______________________________________ by (author)_____________________________________ and 

(title)_________________________________ by (author) __________________________________  demonstrate similar perspectives on family.   

They both believe ________________________________________.  On the other hand, they differ in that, 

________________________________________________ emphasizes _______________________________________________________

 whereas _________________________________________________________________    argues _________________________________________________________.    

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Link for Saving Your Essays in Google Drive (Open Essay One)

Copy the link below and save your essay to the folder for your class period.  
Make sure that the file name has your first and last name and the title of the essay.  Example:

Go to this link:

Click on the link that says "open in Drive"

Right click, then click "new" > "Google doc"
When you save your document, right click the file and click share. 

Click on the drop down menu and select "Anyone on the Internet can find and view"

Week Eight Blog Assignment

No blog this week!  Go outside.  Look at the supermoon.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Week Seven Blog Assignment

Much of the drama of Oedipus the King is created by the audience’s speculation about what motivates the characters.  We get hints about what Oedipus is thinking, but we have to make inferences based on what he says and does.  Cite textual evidence and explain the psychological process that Oedipus goes through as he realizes his identity.    

Friday, September 11, 2015

Week Six Blog Post

Based on the Prologue to the play, make an inference about Oedipus's character.  Use textual evidence to support your claims.   Consider Oedipus's morality and his social status.  

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Link to Aristotle's Poetics

Here's a link to Aristotle's Poetics.  We'll be referring to the text frequently as we read Oedipus The King.  Mostly we'll be focusing on section two.

The Hunger Games and The Hero's Journey Video

 Here's a brief summary of the hero's journey.  We'll use this to review later.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Week Five Blog Post

Make a connection between the form of Claude McKay's poem "Harlem Dancer" and its content. 

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Week Four Blog Post

Make a connection between one the paintings of Icarus that we viewed in class and one of the literary texts we've read so far. 

Monday, August 24, 2015

Images of Icarus

Compare and contrast the images below. How do they portray Icarus?  What themes do they convey?  
Jacob Peter Gowy's The Flight of Icarus.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

David Foster Wallace "This is Water"

Here's the link to the video clip for David Foster Wallace's speech "This is Water."

Week Three Blog Question

 Discuss how the author uses literary devices to reveal the speaker's attitude toward nature and the author's task.  

Below is the rubric that I use to assign points for your blog posts.  

Blog Homework  Rubric

Exemplary 9-10              
Accomplished 7-8        
Understanding and use of the assigned reading
Demonstrates a thorough critical understanding of the assigned reading in developing an insightful response.
Demonstrates a sound critical understanding of the assigned reading in developing a well-reasoned response.
Demonstrates a generally accurate understanding of the assigned reading in developing a sensible response.
Demonstrates some understanding of the assigned reading, but may misconstrue parts of it or make limited use of it in developing a weak response.
Demonstrates poor understanding of the main points of the assigned reading, does not appropriately use it in developing a response, or may not use the reading at all.
Demonstrates little or no ability to understand the assigned reading or to use it in developing a response.
Quality and clarity of thought
Explores the issues thoughtfully and in depth using extensive commentary.  Clearly articulates an original idea. 
Shows some depth and complexity of thought using relevant commentary
Shows thought but commentary may be simplistic or repetitive.
Lacks focus or demonstrates confused thinking with limited commentary.
Often fails to communicate its ideas and commentary is flawed.
Is unfocused, illogical, or incoherent.  Lacks commentary.