Monday, August 24, 2015

Images of Icarus

Compare and contrast the images below. How do they portray Icarus?  What themes do they convey?  
Jacob Peter Gowy's The Flight of Icarus.


  1. The top image shows two men flying above a city. The man on top looks like some type of God carrying along a struggling citizen. The city looks like it is in the ruins and near destruction. The sky portrays a storm coming soon or has already came. The city looks empty as if everyone has died or been swept away. The second picture looks more hopeful. The rural civilization looks healthy and thriving. The man with the horse looks hard working, like he's heading back from a days work. The seas look clear with boats coming in town. The boats look like colonizing ships or pirate ships. Both images are alike because they show some type of old town from colonial days. Both pictures were painted in color with intricate detail. Both pictures have light showing from somewhere like the sun is coming through for a brighter day or something hopeful. These photos tell me that Icarus was an old philosopher or artist in the 1400s. The pictures tell me that Icarus was very dramatic and liked the arts. The theme I got for the first photo was never leaving people you care about behind, because it looks like the top guy is trying to help the lower guy to keep going and moving. The second photo’s theme is handwork because the man in the photo looks like he’s been working but at the end of the day he gets to go back to the thriving village he lives in, so his work pays off.

  2. In the above picture, depicts a man and a younger man flying with makeshift wings. The older man seems to have his wings in good shape or condition while the younger man’s wings are falling apart. The younger man is obviously Icarus because in the previous poem that I read in class on August 8, 2015 told me that Icarus “fell” and drowned in a ocean. The picture supports this claim because in the illustration there is an ocean and the younger man seems to be falling. This can be portrayed as the recklessness of the youth because the “younger man” always seems to messing up, for example, in the picture the older man is flying perfectly fine while the younger man, Icarus, is flying/falling upside down. Similar to the depiction of Icarus falling, is the picture below, that shows him drowning unnoticing while everyone else in the picture is working are doing something productive. You can tell that it is Icarus drowning upside down because there are feathers gradually drifting down to where he had plunged into the water. Therefore, including his youthful recklessness is to become unnoticed. No one has time for mess ups.

  3. In this painting,above it shows Icarus and his dad Daedalus flying from hand made wings made by Daedalus. Icarus is falling down from the sky because he got to close to the sun like his dad had warned him and now because of pride he dies. Proving that those who like to do everything and be the hero or wanting to be recognized, have the sin of pride and that's a sin that can't ever be saved. Daedalus seems to be trying to help him, and trying to be "the protector" but there's nothing much that he can do. Daedalus seems to symbolize what pride doesn't look like. Such as his wings are very sturdy and strong and the way he is positioned with his body, and he didn't close to the sun, rather Icarus is spiraling out of control. The Image below represents Icarus in certain parts of the painting below. For one, the man drowning is Icarus because the man drowning is what happened to Icarus as shown in the painting above. If the painting above were to continue or give more detail it would show Icarus falling to his doom,falling into the water. And when Deadalus was in the labyrinth with the Minotaur, the farmer in the below painting represents the Minotaur. The farmer and his other half the horse(beast) are connected by strings it seems like showing how the the Minotaur was Half human and half beast. In both paintings there is a stormy cloud weather but peaking through the stormy clouds is part of the sun. It could illustrate and symbolize the idea "were there is darkness, there's always light."

  4. In both images above shows Icarus with his legs up falling while the other shows his body underwater but his legs are up. Gowy’s images shows Icarus and his father Daedalus flying in the sky looking like angles showing a religious meaning to the image. You can clearly see the sun rays beaming down on Icarus and Daedalus. It the background there are people on the shore, a city, and the sea where Icarus ended up falling in. In the other image by Bruegel shows Icarus in the sea drowning with his legs dangling in the air. The three people on the hill are not paying attention to Icarus drowning. The famer is focused on ploughing, the shepherd is looking up, and the guy by the water is fishing. The images also show the sun setting in a distance, and boat sails going towards the city, and birds flying mocking what Icarus couldn’t do. The theme they convey is pride and punishment. The pride was Icarus thinking he can fly above the city and escape from the Labyrinth with Daedalus. The punishment was flying too close to the sun and the wax melting causing him to fall in the sea.

  5. In both paintings they show Icarus falling out of the sky to his drowning death. However, Jacob Peter Gowy's painting has a little more important details. For example, his painting has Icarus drowning in the sea, but he makes that a very small part of the entire painting. He also has the plough man, also known as the minotaur trapped in the labyrinth, ploughing his land and not paying any attention to what is happening around him. He was in his own land. These details can connect to the "This is Water" video. It can connect to that video because the narrator (David Foster Wallace) states that people who do not pay attention to the world around them will never be free and that they will always have bad days. So, since the plough man isn't paying attention to Icarus dying, he will remain in his entrapment which is the land he is ploughing (the labyrinth).

  6. Both images show Icarus making mistakes, It seems as if the top image leads to the bottom image. In both paintings, Icarus is ignored by the world. The theme both paintings portray is having too much pride could lead to serious consequences. Having too much pride could not only hurt those around you but could even hurt yourself, and that's what happened to Icarus

  7. In both images, the story of Icarus failing and dying due to pride are portrayed. Icarus and his father make an attempt to escape the labyrinth. Icarus is warned to not get too close to the sun and not too close to the sea, however the amount of freedom gave Icarus too much pride. In both painting, the falling man is ignored and died at the hands of pride. The first painting shows before Icarus is in the sea, rather the actual falling and failure to listen. The second painting is where Icarus has already hit the sea, everyone continues to ignore him, the only attention he receives is from a bird. The theme in the paintings is that there are rules for a reason and should be followed as well as to not be blinded by pride.

  8. In the first image we see the fall of Icarus first hand. His wings are shriveled, his back facing the ground...and his father staring. The second painting portrays Icarus drowning at see hardily visible to my human eye. However there is no way that he could not have been seen. Still all of those around him continue to go on with their ordinary lives. The ship passes right by him, the shepherd tends to his sheep ...and the ploughman ploughs his fields. In both pictures Icarus is struggling to stay up, he is seen but not tended to as if he is important or convenient enough for recognition. In the first portrait the father looks straight at Icarus and sees him falling. He is close enough in reaching distance but does not catch him as the laborers in the second painting do not try to save him. The first painting says if I try to catch you I will fall and die too. The second painting says oh there is a man drowning but my work is not done. The mental sorrows of individualism is the theme. Both have the ability to save him but none attempt to. It was a choice not due to physical incapabilities but the mental limitations of "LIGHTWEIGHT" selfishness.

    Another theme could possibly be the response to recklessness. From recent knowledge, I am aware that his father told him not to go to close to the sun or else his wings would melt. Icarus disobeyed and fell to his death. The way that the men in both pictures did not bother to save Icarus is them saying you should have stayed in your limits. His Father looks at him falling possibly struck with fear but also disappointment. The laborers in the first portrait see Icarus drowning but continue their work as if to say if you would have obeyed your limitations and bylaws you would have been safe like us. All of the men who saw Icarus struggling were old. It was as if these were old to young messages. Do not disobey, rebel or try to aim to high or else instead of reaching the sky you will find yourself in a deep pit not able to get out. Therefore conform to life like us and never take risk. The theme of a closed minded and pacified conformist.
