Friday, September 11, 2015

Week Six Blog Post

Based on the Prologue to the play, make an inference about Oedipus's character.  Use textual evidence to support your claims.   Consider Oedipus's morality and his social status.  


  1. In the play Oedipus the King, Oedipus says, " My children, latest generation of Cadmus, why are you sitting here with wreathed sticks.... you can be confident that I will help." In this passage of the play, the city in which Oedipus lives seems to be in danger of some sort and the citizens are coming to their king , Oedipus, for guidance. Oedipus' words point towards a very aloof attitude. He called the people his children, but later in the poem he speaks to an old man, addressing him as a child. This idea of his superiority to the elders of the city readily portrays his superior character.

  2. "...So I have come in person- I,Oedipus, whose fame all men acknowledge. But you there,old man,tell-you seem to be the can be confident that I will help. I shall assist you willingly in every way. I would be a hard-hearted man indeed , if I did not pity suppliants like these." In this quote, Oedipus is talking about how HE has done this and HE has done that at the same time as being disrespectful towards the priests. He is willing to help the city of Thebes with what ever they need. However, Oedipus is only helping Thebes because he feels pity for it and not because he really wants to

  3. "A rust consumes the buds and fruits of the earth; The herds are sick; children die unborn, And labor is vain. The god of plague and pyre Raids like detestable lightning through the city,[...] Death alone Battens upon the misery of Thebes." In this quote, Oedipus is talking about the historical moment in when a plague once vanished his city, Thebes. The plague took everything starting from the nature and ending with people. The plague happened so quick, as fast as "lightning", it was unstoppable even for him, the KING of Thebes.

  4. Based off the Prologue in the story of "Oedipus" the the main character is superior but humble and ignorant. His superiority shows when the whole town couldn't slove the Sphinx riddle and was in major distress because of it but he answered it without a second thought and got it correct, also for a literal inference he is superior because he is King. Likewise, "When Oedipus approaches the Sphinx, the beast poses the riddle. Oedipus. quick of mind spits back the right answer: man." He is humble because he is kind to those under him. For example "Why have you strewn yourselves before these alters/ In supplication," Lastly Oedipus shows ignorance because he doesn't connect the dots to put together the matter of events that led to the murder of the former King to the murder he performed. For example "Strange, that a highwayman should be so daring-- Unless some fraction here bribed him to do it."

  5. In the play Oedipus Rex, Oedipus says, " You, there, since you are the eldest in the company, Speak for them all, tell me what preys upon you." In this passage of the play, the people of Thebes are asking Oedipus for help. Oedipus acknowledges the people and ask the old man to speak to them. Oedipus says "eldest" because he respects the elder and acknowledges his wisdom and age. As a king, Oedipus can speak to people however he likes but he decides not to; he speaks to them as if they are equals. He has respect and passion for the people who worship him. Oedipus is overall a humble man.

  6. Journey Alexander.

    "I would not have you speak through the messengers, and therefore come myself to hear you, I Oedipus, who bear the famous name." In this part of the play Oedipus is seen as a sympathetic leader who genuinely cares for his people. He acknowledges the fact that he is king, but he is more down to earth about it. He is superior to the people of Thebes, but he is still concerned about them and treats them with equality and wants to hear them out. As seen in, "Tell me, and never doubt that I won't help you in every way I can." He is personally trying to help the city of Thebes.

  7. Based on the prologue in the play "Opedius the King" Opedius character is portrayed as sympathetic and a leader his subjects and confide in. For example Opeduis says,"Tell me,and never doubt that I will help you in every way I can;I should be heartless were I not moved to find you suppliant here." In this quote Opedius tells the priest that he wants to hear the congregations burdens and hardships in every way he can because he pitys them. This shows how sympathetic he is is because not every powerful king would come to hear his people's hardships personally. In addition Opedius is seen as a leader his people can trust because even though death plagues the city of Thebes, the people look to him for direction. For example the priest says,"You are not one of the immortal gods,we know;Yet we have come to you to make our prayer." This quote shows how Opedius is a trustful leader because the people know that he is just a man but still look to him for the answer. Also Opedius being sympathetic will do everything he can to make sure the plague will pass the city of Thebes for his people.

  8. Based on the prologue of the play Oedipus seems to be a man of great compassion, confidence, and humility. The king cares greatly for his subjects as shown when he tells the priest that he feels more sick than the actual sick do because of the plague in the city. He is also confident in his ability to lead and tells the priests that he never needed to be made aware of what he needs to do as a king. He is already aware. But he also shows a sense of humility and knows he is of great power but does not abuse it.

  9. In the prologue of the play "OEDIPUS REX," Oedipus character shows that he is demanding, a bit sarcastic, and alot of confidence, in which gives a descriptive generalization as Oedipus speaks. "Therefore I have come to myself to hear you-- I, Oedipus, who bear the famous name." In this quote, Oedipus is shown as confident in which gives imagery of how he presents himself self to others in which he is the king of Thebes. However, throughout the other parts of the prologue Oedipus shows other sides to his personality that he doesn't have much sympathy towards others in that that Oedipus is straight forward and direct when speaking and direct such as "In every way I can; I should be heartless"

  10. In the prologue of "Oedipus Rex" the author portrays Oedipus as a kind king. In the text it says "And therefore I have come myself to hear you--/ I, Oedipus, who bear the famous name." A group of people have come to Oedipus asking for help because there city is in chaos and since he has defeated the Sphinx the people think he can help the city again. When he says he has come to hear for himself of what the problem is it shows he is caring and that he actually wants to help out the people he rules over. The next line says that he bears the famous name meaning that yes he is famous but it’s like a burden on him. It’s not fun being a king and having all these different people come up to him with problems. Now Creon has returned saying that the murder brought the plague to the city and no one knows that the plague is Oedipus. This is an example of dramatic irony.

  11. In the play of "Oedipus Rex" Oedipus is the king of Thebes and his social status is well respected but there is a darkness in him. In the play it is written, "A rust consumes the buds and fruits of the earth; The herds are sick; children die unborn, And labor is vain." The first thought that came to my mind was that Oedipus is "the plague" that he is the one killing the city of Thebes but he just doesn't know it yet. But on the other hand, he is praised from his people "Great Oedipus, O powerful king of Thebes! You see how all the ages of our people Cling to your altar steps...." He is admired, cherished, and praised THAT is his social status and the morality of Oedipus is killing his people because of his prophecy.

  12. "I know that you are deathly sick; and yet sick as you are, not one is as sick as I." (Oedipus, prologue) Based on that quote, Oedipus seems genuine and considering of others. We know that Oedipus is hurting inside, so when he says he's "sick" we know exactly what he's talking about. Oedipus is emotionally sick because of the event that took place with his real parents and his adoptive parents. Oedipus is listening to the poor people and the priest seeking for help and he makes it known that he, too, is sick and wants help. It almost seems like Oedipus is slightly lost. He doesn't really know what to do about the people and the priest and neither his personal life. Later in the prologue, Creon tells Oedipus that Laïos has been murdered and he doesn't seem to know what to do about that either.

  13. "Then once more I must bring the dark to light. (...) You shall see how I stand by you, as I should. To avenge the city and the city's god. And not as though it were for some distant friend. But for my own sake. to be rid of evil. Whoever killed King Laios might-who knows?- Decide at any moment to kill me as well. By avenging the murdered king, I protect myself" (Fitts and Fitzgerald, 9). In that quote Oedipus's character seems very lost. He doesn't know that he was the actual murderer who killed the king. Oedipus also does not know that Laios was his biological father. Later in the text, Creon tells Oedipus that a "band of highwaymen" killed the king and Oedipus's reaction was that it was "strange that highwaymen would be so daring". At that moment, Oedipus seemed paranoid as if he had a flashback and saw that event take place; almost as if he remembered running into a group on the road, possibly the king and his men which he killed.


  14. King Oedipus from the play Oedipus Rex says, “ I know that you are deathly sick; and yet, Sick as you are, not as sick as I.” This shows that Oedipus as a king his morality is in the right place, because he is concerned for his people. When Oedipus says that he is more sick, it shows that he is more concerned on what has happened to his kingdom. Oedipus says, “ Then once more I must bring what is dark to light.” As a king, Oedipus has has to come up with a solution to his people’s problems and concerns, which is shown in the prologue.

  15. In the play Oedipus Rex by Dudley Fitts and Robert Fitzgerald, Oedipus is seen as a powerful and honest leader through the frequent use of irony in the text. For example, Oedipus says, "By avenging the murdered king I protect myself." In this quote it shows that Oedipus does not know he killed King Laios. Which leads to him sounding sincere showing the people he really cares and can use his power to keep them all safe.

  16. In the play Oedipus Rex by Dudley Fitts and Robert Fitzgerald, Oedipus is seen as a powerful and honest leader through the frequent use of irony in the text. For example, Oedipus says, "By avenging the murdered king I protect myself." In this quote it shows that Oedipus does not know he killed King Laios. Which leads to him sounding sincere showing the people he really cares and can use his power to keep them all safe.

  17. In the play Oedipus Rex by Dudley Fitts and Robert Fitzgerald, Oedipus is seen as a superior leader who is concerned about the people, but also understands his role as King. For example, Oedipus says " I know that you are deathly sick; and yet, sick as you are, not as sick as I." Here Oedipus shows his acknowledgement of his people's problems, and in some way is saying that he understands. In the play it seems as if Oedipus is also trying to tell his people that if they are coming to destruction he will follow right behind them, because he is apart of them as they are apart of him.

  18. After reading the prologue to the play, I've found that Oedipus is a bit rash especially when making decisions. For example, when the citizens of Thebes beg him to do something about the plague and the chaos, Oedipus takes charge and decides that the solution to the problem and chaos is to kill whomever killed the king before him, his father, Laios. I don't know about you, but to me, that is a big and hasty decision to make as for someone that just had became a king of a city. After figuring out what was the solution to the problem, Oedipus asks Creon, “ Murder of whom? Surely the god named him?”. This shows that Oedipus does not know anything about who he is about to kill. Instead of doing his research, a little bit of background information, he dives right in and gathers a group of his people to kill a man that he as no evidence or knowledge of. Clearly showing how rash he is. ( I can't wait till this pans out; who is he going to kill? )

  19. In the play Oedipus Rex, Oedipus says, “Tell me, and never doubt that I will help you In every way I can; I should be heartless Were I not moved to find you suppliant here.” In the prologue, Oedipus tells the priest he can help him but don’t ask for mercy. Throughout his conversation with the priest his tone became superior at the end of the speech. Even though Oedipus is superior it seem like he would help the people of Thebes.

  20. In the play Oedipus Rex, Oedipus says, "Sick as you are, not one is as sick as I. Each of you suffers in himself alone his anguish, not another's; but my spirit groans for the city, for myself for you. The town is asking Oedipus to help the people in the town. When Oedipus replies to the people what he will do, it reveals that Oedipus is a upfront leader and a caring leader as he says that he will help them but also that he knew that they needed him.

  21. I believe that in the beginning Oedipus is somewhat of a loving and humble man for the simple fact that when he found out about the Oracle's message he tried to remove himself for harming the people he loved most. However, I question myself because Oedipus did kill his father and four other men. We see that Oedipus is a smart man however because he does solve the Sphinx's riddle which no one ever could. I believe that Oedipus means well and will do well until he self-destructs. Then he will not be able to come out of the darkness and meekness that is to come of his life.

  22. In my opinion oedipus is very intelligent, somewhat arrogant, and very confident. We know oedipus is intelligent because it's stated that he is the only one who could answer the sphinx's riddle. I think he is arrogant because he comes from royalty and became the king of a whole other city. This most likely effected his ego. Lastly I know he is confident because of the way he leads. He doesn't want to hide anything when Creon advices to keep the prophecy private and he is sure of himself when speaking to his subordinates.

  23. In my opinion, Oedipus is the ideal ruler. He is smart, loyal to his people, caring, strong, but also oblivious to his mistakes. Many would classify Oedipus because he killed his father and now is forced to go after himself ironically, but I look beyond that. I see a man who left his home in order to protect the people he loves, not a man who attempted to avoid fate in fear. In the prologue, Oedipus says “Whoever killed King Laios might…..Decide at any moment to kill me as well,” (Prologue, pg 9). Oedipus understands that the kingdom in which he ruled needed him in order to survive and overcome hardships. His leadership qualities are needed, and so he feels that he must protect himself in order to carry on his works. In a way, he is almost paving the way for his destruction when he does so. Creon the messenger states “It was Murder that brought the plague-wind on the city” (Prologue, pg 7). Oedipus has caused the destruction to the kingdom, unknowingly. Now he must find the killer of the previous king, unaware he is the killer. In an attempt to avoid a tragic fate, Oedipus has doomed himself. Oedipus in my eyes is a great example of a tragic hero, in which his attempt to beat fate brings the great king to his demise.

  24. In the play Oedipus Rex, Oedipus says, "Strange, that a band of highway men attacked them, outnumbered them, and overwhelmed the king." (pg.99) This quote begins to show Oedipus's curiosity in the attack since he actually had killed someone on the highway. This could either mean that he is beginning to realize that he killed the king and doesn't want to admit it because he has a higher status than before or his mind is eased and he truly thinks he didn't kill the king because Creon said a band of highway men not one. Either way at this point Oedipus realizes he is guilty of a killing, but to what extent he has yet to truly figure out on his own. This brings out his lack of integrity in Oedipus because he won't admit what happened to him on his adventure to Thebes. I predict that Oedipus will soon realize that he was the one who killed the king and is going to do everything in his power to keep it a secret. I also believe that the new social status of Oedipus will change who he really is because the money will get to his head, he won't want to lose it and he is going to do whatever it takes to keep in power.

  25. In the play, Oedipus Rex, Oedipus says," Tell me and never doubt that I will help you/ in every way I can. " this quote reveals a lot about Oedipus as a person and a King. He wants to do everything in his power to help the city of Thebes. This quotes shows humbleness and kindness, traits that all leader should have. He says," Tell me and never doubt." Is tone is not forceful but it does imply that Oedipus has a high social status by the way is tone is commanding and firm.

  26. In the play, Oedipus Rex, the Priest says, " You are not one of the immortal gods, we know; Yet we have come to you to make our prayer" the quotes is talking about Oedipus's status as in how people think of him. The quote also talks about how Oedipus is human but has knowledge and wisdom like a God. The Priest and the others know he isn't a God but they still come to him for help because they also realize that he is probably the only person that can actually help them with their needs.

  27. In the play Oedipus Rex Oedipus seems to be an intelligent, loyal,superficial, and impulsive man who places high value in his pride. For example, when Oedipus encounters the king at the intersection he kills him over something as petty as who had the right of way, which makes him impulsive. This happened because Oedipus saw himself as a superior to the king, without knowing that that was the king and his father. Had he known that he'd encountered the king, he would've allowed the king to travel ahead of him, yet his pride made him feel as though he should have been allowed to travel without question since he was so intelligent and the adopted prince of Corinth. He is loyal to his superiors because he wants to protect his adopted parents from the fate the oracle spoke of and is intelligent for answering the Sphinx's riddle. However, Oedipus is unaware of his obnoxiousness, and sees himself as a hero. For example, Oedipus says “Whoever killed King Laios might… Decide at any moment to kill me as well”, which portrays his unawareness of his destructive existence by creating irony due to the fact that he would like to see justice to the person who killed the king, but had no problem killing him when he thought that he was some commoner, which makes him a superficial old fart.

  28. In the prologue of the play Oedipus Rex, you can see that Oedipus is smart, loyal, cares about his kingdom ,and respects the people in it. For example he shows respect toward the priest when he called him "eldest in the company". He shows he is smart when he solved the Sphinx's riddle, and Oedipus cares about his kingdom when he said "Then once more I must bring what is dark to light... You shall see how I stand by you, as I should" Oedipus is also very blind because he doesn't realize that the person he is hunting is himself.

  29. In the play, Oedipus Rex, Oedipus states," I know that you are deathly sick; and yet, as sick as you are not one is as sick as I. [....] my spirit groans for the city [....]". Oedipus has a humble yet self-absorbed attitude as the king. Oedipus is basically stating he is far more sick than any citizen due to carrying the weight of ruling a city. This makes Oedipus a very loyal king, he seems to do anything to cure his city. Based on these observations, this loyalty with be what ends him. Oedipus curses and vows to destroy the pervious king's killer, that kill is himself. When Oedipus discovers this, it can be predicted that he will follow through with the revenge plan and end his own life.

  30. In the play Oedipus seems to be very sincere ,intelligent, loyal, impulsive and strong. For example he shows respect for the priest when he elaborates on his problems and troubles in the kingdom. He is very sincere speaking to all the people in concern for the kingdom he says, "I know that you are deathly sick; and yet,/Sick as you are none of you are as sick as I. "Oedipus presents that he cares not only as much about the kingdom and citizens as the citizens do but even more than they do. The way he speaks you can tell he will act on what he says and has the best interest for his people so his kingdom can drive.

    Kyson Barnes

  31. In the prologue of the play "Oedipus Rex" Oedipus says,"What is troubling you? Why are your eyes so cold?". In response to the quote, the showing and explanation of the death of the king. Oedipus does not realize that he had killed the king himself.The king is Oedipus father which whom he does know of.On the other hand,nor does he know his mother,who is the Queen he will marry her. Tension is building with in each character. The tension is of the non-sense of not knowing who killed the king and trying to find who killed the king.Oedipus is not held accountable for his actions due to the prophecy has controlled his action with every move he makes.Seems to be that Oedipus cant remember the bad that he has done.The realization comes through evidence of witnesses of variety.
