Thursday, September 17, 2015

Week Seven Blog Assignment

Much of the drama of Oedipus the King is created by the audience’s speculation about what motivates the characters.  We get hints about what Oedipus is thinking, but we have to make inferences based on what he says and does.  Cite textual evidence and explain the psychological process that Oedipus goes through as he realizes his identity.    


  1. In his play "Oedipus the King" Oedipus internal conflict in the resolution is him coming to the realization of his truths. The extended metaphor of the play is that Oedipus and his kingdom has been living in the dark because of Oedipus himself. Finally when the truth is confirmed and he is out in the light it becomes too overwhelming for him. For example, "But the blinding hand was my own! How could i bear to see when all my sight was horror everywhere?" (pg. 72). He is explaining that it was his fault that everything happened and it was his and God Apollo's (the Sun) hands that hurt him.

  2. In his play "Oedipus the King" Oedipus goes through a battle with himself as he tries to discover who he truly is. Throughout the play it is illustrated that the whole kingdom along with Oedipus himself have been living a lie and were too blind to see the truth when it was standing in front of them this whole time. When the truth had finally been exposed to Oedipus he becomes devastated and is too much for him to accept. For example, "Death take the man who unbound My feet on that hillside delivered me from death to life! What life? If only I had died." (pg.73) Oedipus is now realizing that the death he once escaped, never really left his side, but instead he was living in hell which makes it worse than the life he supposedly lived.

  3. Oedipus begins totally oblivious to his identity but starts to realize his identity as the play develops.
    As early as the end of scene two I began to develop the idea that Oedipus actually does suspect what is happening but still tries to use his intelligence to plea that he is innocent in killing King Laius. Then again he only suspects these things and isn't completely sure so he doesn't go into full defense this early because he actually still believes he could be innocent . Creon accuses Oedipus of killing King Laius in scene 2.While arguing back to Creon in the presence of the chorus Oedipus says ,"Would you have me stand still, hold my peace, and let this man win everything through my inaction?" Oedipus is saying are you really going to believe this man just because I have yet to defend myself. Remember Oedipus is known for his intelligence (solving riddles) which made him become the king of Thebes. So in the quote he is basically saying ,wait you cant take his word for it yet, we don't completely know the truth and at the end of the day I can still convince you to believe me. I just believe him saying that was to defensive of a statement if he really believed he didn't do anything. Knowing how far he's come ,it is apparent he doesn't want to accept his fate. As a noble king who is for his people ,at the end when their is no way out of his situation he will accept his fall. When Oedipus pulls the pins from 'iocastes robe ands stabs his eyes out I believe it represents more than him in agony of his real identity but also the defeat of his intelligence. His eyes symbolize his intelligence which is funny because he is blind to the situation the whole time. Which could also mean that his intelligence (solving the riddle) to become the king was always going to come to an end.

  4. In the play,"Oedipus," Oedipus shows dramatic irony because he thinks that his father is already dead, in which he did not kill him, and that the oracle did not come true. "They prophesied that I should kill Polybos, kill my own father ; but he is dead and buried, And I am here - I never touched him, never, Unless he died in grief for my departure." (Pg.50) Oedipus still believes that Polybos is his real father which is not true.However, Oedipus did kill his father which is Laïos.

  5. Towards the beginning of the play, Teiresias, a profit, responds to Oedipus' disbelief in his past actions. " You mock my blindness, do you? But I say that you with both your eyes, are blind: you cannot see the wretchedness of your life...". Here, Teiresias is bringing light to the reality of Oedipus' wrongdoing in the past. However, Oedipus rejects this reality as a plot to take his throne. However, dramatic irony is produced as the audience also knows that Oedipus, in fact, is the true murderer. In addition, Teiresias' illusion to blind eyes foreshadows what will happen to Oedipus once he comes face to face with the truth. During the last scene of the play, after Oedipus learns his true identity, Teiresias' foreshadowing comes true. " 'No more, no more... from this hour, go into darkness!' As he spoke, he struck at his eyes - not once, but many times; and the blood spattered his beard, bursting from his ruined sockets like red hail". Here, Oedipus, can no longer stand the truth of his past and symbolically decides to gouge out his eyes. The eyes are a symbol of sight, light, and direction. The removal of the king eyes shows his loss of direction and his inability to reconcile with the truth.

  6. In Oedipus Rex, Oedipus says" Performed by the son in the same bed- Ah, the net of incest, mingling fathers, brothers, sons, with brides, wives, mothers: The last evil." The truth is having a strong effect on Oedipus. This meltdown is coming from all the wrong he has done since he killed his biological father. When Oedipus says "same bed" he is referring to where he was conceived and where the prophecy had started; he has slept with his mom and had bore brother-sons and sister-daughters. Oedipus's downfall is also dramatic as if he was acting out for the people. He does this because of his ego, he thinks he is very important to the world.

  7. In Oedipus Rex, Oedipus says" Performed by the son in the same bed- Ah, the net of incest, mingling fathers, brothers, sons, with brides, wives, mothers: The last evil." The truth is having a strong effect on Oedipus. This meltdown is coming from all the wrong he has done since he killed his biological father. When Oedipus says "same bed" he is referring to where he was conceived and where the prophecy had started; he has slept with his mom and had bore brother-sons and sister-daughters. Oedipus's downfall is also dramatic as if he was acting out for the people. He does this because of his ego, he thinks he is very important to the world.

  8. In Oedipus Rex, Oedipus says" Performed by the son in the same bed- Ah, the net of incest, mingling fathers, brothers, sons, with brides, wives, mothers: The last evil." The truth is having a strong effect on Oedipus. This meltdown is coming from all the wrong he has done since he killed his biological father. When Oedipus says "same bed" he is referring to where he was conceived and where the prophecy had started; he has slept with his mom and had bore brother-sons and sister-daughters. Oedipus's downfall is also dramatic as if he was acting out for the people. He does this because of his ego, he thinks he is very important to the world.

  9. Journey Alexander as Joyce Alexander:

    In the beginning of the play it begans with Oedipus wanting to find out the truth to avenge the death of the king, Laios. He states here, "Then once more I must bring what's dark to the light...But for my own sake remove this evil." (P.9) In the beginning he does this to remove the plague and be a hero to his place of Thebes but as the play develops, it centers around his finding out about his identity, in which he ends up in denial, "Now twice you spit out imfamy. You'll pay for it!" (P.20) Here he does not believe Teiresias and believes he is telling lies.When the play goes closer to the end "...Too long been blind to those for whom I was searching![...] from this hour, go in darkness!" (P.69) Now that he sees the truth in who he is and what he has done he doesn't want to see it anymore and hurts himself as some sort of "punishment" as to not see his pain.

  10. In Oedipus Rex, Oedipus says, "He has brought this decrepit fortune-teller, this collector of dirty pennies. this prophet fraud- Why he is no more clairvoyant than I am!" Within this quote Oedipus shows his denial in the truth when it comes to receiving help from a blind fortune teller. Earlier on in the story he expressed how he didn't want to waste his time by seeing him but only wanted to question everyone else. His reluctance to meet the fortune-teller could be a form of guilt since he knew he killed the men on the highway. Now that the truth was revealed Oedipus refuses to listen and points blame at someone else to try to make sense out of the situation. He points the finger at his brother in law. Oedipus expresses his inability to take complete responsibility later on in the play when he finally realizes the sayings were true and tries to blame the shepherd who saved him when he says,"Death take the man who unbound my feet from that hillside and delivered me from death to life!" His anger only takes partial responsibility for his actions however he still finds the need to take part of the blame off himself.

  11. In "Oedipus Rex" Oedipus undergoes a pyschological process to realize that his whole life was determined by fate. Killing his father, becoming King of Thebes, Marrying & having children with his own Mother was all determimed when he was born. His internal conflict throughout the play is being able to be at peace with his mistakes. At the end, Oedipus says, "I, Oedipus, Oedipus, damned in his birth, in his marriage damned, Damned in the blood he shed with his own hand." He finally understands that he has basically been damned his whole life. Everyone had saw it, except for him. He was so caught up in trying to think that he was "innocent" throughout the play that be was blind to the obvious. Which to me connects to why he took the Queens pins from her gown & raked his eyes out. His is a symbolic expression for being so oblivious. Also, so that he no longer has to look at the misey he has caused. Oedipus is agonized by his Fate. When Teiresias & Oedipus are talking in Scene 1, Teiresais says, "What does it matter! Whether I speak or not, it is bound to come." this is a quote of his fate.

  12. In his play"Oedipus the King",by Sophocles, Oedipus goes through psychological process and soon he realizes his identity.Oedipus says "I do not know how i could bear the sight/Of my father, when i came to the house of Death..."In the psychological emotion Oedipus tries to find ways to overcome emotions.On the other hand if what Oedipus actions was personal will or fate.This quote shows the motif of light and dark and vision and sight.This shows how Oedipus is very catharsis which is the purgation of emotions,also pity and fear. In the play it shows the change from good to bad.The misfortune of error of judgement of heroic tragedy.It was to evoke fear and prosperity to show the better person of understanding misfortune.

  13. As Oedipus in "Oedipus Rex" figures out more about who he really his, he undergoes a psychological process when he finally realizes his true identity. In the chapter of Exodus, Oedipus learns that he is really the murderer of the king, Laios, his own biological father, and that he has been married to his biological mother and has had children with her in the same bed from which he came from. Then, after he realizes all of that he ends up blinding himself. "From one to another of us he went, begging a sword, cursing the wife who was not his wife, the mother whose womb had carried his own children and himself. (...) For the King ripped from her gown the golden brooches that were her ornament, and raised them, and plunged them down straight into his own eyeballs, crying (...) He struck at his eyes---not once, but many times; and the blood spattered his beard, bursting from his ruined sockets like red hail (Fitts and Fitzgerald 69). In that quote, Oedipus learns the truth about who he was and who he had been living with for some time. All of that news overwhelmed him and to escape the overwhelming emotions, he decided to blind himself so he didn't have to see the reality of things. Oedipus physically hurt himself as punishment for his actions. The psychological strategy Oedipus took to maintain his self control while being overwhelmed with his emotions was to harm himself physically and permanently.

  14. Before Oedipus got a straight forward answer that he killed his father Laios and married his Mother Iocaste he was in denial though in the back of his head he suspected there was something hazy about his life in connection to the murder or the oracle."A slave child?or a child of his own line?"(63,Fittz). In this quote he is trying to find out more about the lost child of Liaos meaning he had some recent suspicions. This show you that humans get signs that tell them of so called mysteries.We just choose to ignore them. When Oedipus found out about his fulfillment of the oracle he acted in his emotions ripping his eyes out to relieve him of his emotional horror.Therefore humans hurt themselves to cope with the mental problems.The psychology of human beings.

  15. CD: But his command is plain: the parricide / Must be destroyed. I am that evil. pg.76
    In this quote Oedipus is in denial of his identity. He is recalling how he enforced all the punishments on the man who killed Lauis. He is the man who killed Lauis and in this quote he is opening up saying stating he is the parricide who needs to be punished. Oedipus is psychologically and naturally blaming himself like many humans do in a time of trouble.

  16. In the play,"Oedipus Rex" The psychological process Oedipus goes through as he realizes his identity is denial,self doubt, frustration for the truth, and complete disparity. In the beginning of the play Oedipus denies the prophet Teirsias when he says that he was the murderer of the dead King and that he will marry his mother. For example Oedipus says"Say what you will whatever you say is worthless." However when he later talks to his wife Iocaste he has begins to question whether Teiresias words were lies. For example he says" For I have reached a pitch of wild foreboding." Oedipus can't escape the fact that he is emotionally affected by the recent accusations of his true identity. This angers him because he suspects that he may have been involved with his fathers death. Reaching the climax of the story Oedipus is desperate for the truth. For instance he say" How can you say that when the clues to my true birth are in my hands[...] I will not listen the truth must be made known." Oedipus needs the truth of his true identity to confirm the prophesies or declare them false. He is so desperate for the truth that he calls for the shepherd man who found him as a baby abandoned by his mother/wife. By the plays end when the shepherd tells Oedipus that the prophecies were true Oedipus is so overcome by his emotions that he gourges out his eyes to blind him from the overwhelming truth of his identity. However he realizes that the physical pain he afflicts upon himself can't mask the psychological dark truth of his identity that will forever remain. For example he says" the pain of the spikes where I had sight the flooding pain of memory, never to be gourged out."

  17. Before Oedipus steps into the light and realizes who he actually is, he goes through some psychological process like denial, a psychological defense mechanism postulated by psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud. For example, after constant, back and forth arguing, Teiresias quells Oedipus by dropping the truth upon Oedipus stating that he was the one that killed King Laios which led to the “pollution” of his own kingdom. Oedipus responded by saying, “ Who taught you shamelessness? It was not your craft.”(pg.19) In his response, you can see that he doesn't believe in what Teiresias says, even though Teiresias is the only one that knows the truth of who killed Laios. Insisting that it is not true despite what may be overwhelming evidence.

  18. In his play "Oedipus Rex" Oedipus is now king of Thebes and he encounters with a man who tells him he's part of a prophecy. Oedipus tells the man what a fool he is. The Prophecy states that he will kill is father by his own hands and bewed his mother. Soon later Oedipus reveals the truth throughout the play that he killed his own father and slept and married his own mother. As I stated in the play Oedipus tells Creon, "The woman in there---- Give her whatever funeral you think proper: She is your sister.[......] Let me purge my fathers Thebes of the pollution Of my living here[.....]" (pg.77) Oedipus throughout the play was putting pieces together of he is the "Oedipus" as stated in the prophecy. After hearing the truth he tells Creon to take him out far away, far away from Thebes Oedipus believes he is the evil for fulfilling the prophecy. So Oedipus dies as a good man asking his brother to take care of his children and dying knowing the truth.

  19. In the play "Oedipus Rex" Oedipus goes through a physiological process as he realizes his true identity and what Oedipus has been hidden from throughout his life. "He brought my sick, sick fate upon me. But the blinding hand was my own! " pg.72 this quote shows and gives insight to how Oedipus feels and what he truly believes of himself. Oedipus believes that everything that has occurred from him murdering his father to finding out his wife had actually been his mother, was his true destiney the entire time. Oedipus comes upon hiself after all the truth comes out that he was meant to live out his life and he has became a shame to himself and doesn't feel as if he is a king anymore. However, Oedipus doesn't get removed from Thebes, he leaves on his own in shame and dies where the Shepard was supposed to kill him.

  20. In the play "Oedipus Rex" Oedipus goes through a physiological process as he realizes his true identity and what Oedipus has been hidden from throughout his life. "He brought my sick, sick fate upon me. But the blinding hand was my own! " pg.72 this quote shows and gives insight to how Oedipus feels and what he truly believes of himself. Oedipus believes that everything that has occurred from him murdering his father to finding out his wife had actually been his mother, was his true destiney the entire time. Oedipus comes upon hiself after all the truth comes out that he was meant to live out his life and he has became a shame to himself and doesn't feel as if he is a king anymore. However, Oedipus doesn't get removed from Thebes, he leaves on his own in shame and dies where the Shepard was supposed to kill him.

  21. In the play “Oedipus Rex” he slowly starts to find out that the plague in the city of Thebes is him. Throughout the play Oedipus gets little hints here and there from different people. While he is receiving this information he’ll gladly accept it to protect his city but he is also denying it because all the evidence strongly points towards him as the murder of Laïos. Once Oedipus finally found out that the Oracle was right all along he couldn’t handle the truth. “He struck at his eyes-not once, but many times;” The truth was like a blinding light at him and the after effect was like darkness brought upon him. One he gouged his eyes out so he doesn’t have to see the horror he brought upon the city of Thebes, two once he did gouge his eye out he only saw darkness because he can still remember the memories and that can never be destroyed.

  22. In the play “Oedipus Rex”, Oedipus goes through psychological processes as he realizes his identity. An example would be when Oedipus says, “Oedipus, damned in his birth, in his marriage damned, damned, Damned in the blood he shed with his own hand.”(pg.64) This shows that, Oedipus has found out that since his birth he has been cursed by his own fate. He knows that he has killed his father with his own hands, but the mind-boggling part was that Oedipus was trying to not kill his father by moving away. Oedipus is filled with heartache and grief, which makes him lose control of his mind and led to him stabbing his own eyes because he can't stand to see the truth.

  23. In the drama Oedipus the King you can infer that Oedipus feels denial as well as self pity. In the play Teiresias says, “I say that you are the murderer whom you seek” to which Oedipus replies, “Now twice you have spat out infamy. You’ll pay for it!” This illustrates how Oedipus feels denial about the situation. He knows what Teiresias says is true however he doesn’t want to believe it. It’s too much for him so he tries to act like it isn’t happening. Furthermore Oedipus says’ “ God. God. Is there a sorrow greater? Where shall I find harbor in this world? My voice is hurled far on a dark wind. What has God done to me?” This quote illustrates Oedipus’s feeling of self pity. His wife has just killed himself and he has found out his true identity. Due to this Oedipus feels bad for himself because he realizes that he is no longer in power.

  24. In “Oedipus Rex”, Oedipus started to question his identity when he had the conversation with Creon on who murdered Laius in scene 2. In scene 3, Oedipus states, “How can you say that, /When the clues to my true birth are in my hands.” After the messenger came and told Oedipus his “father” Polybos is dead and Laius was his real father. So Oedipus wanted to find out the truth of why his parent but his mother/wife Iocaste didn’t want him to find out his true identity. Towards the end of the play, Oedipus finds out the truth and ended using Iocaste’s ornaments to stab into his eyes after seeing her died. Oedipus lost his since of sight and direction after knowing the truth.

  25. In the play "Oedipus Rex", the main character Oedipus finds himself walking a tight rope with fate, in which he tries to cling to his current identity, slowly coming to the realization of his life. Oedipus struggles to not only discover the reality of his life, but also struggles with accepting it, and finding productive ways to deal with it. Oedipus says in the Exodus on page 72 "And now what is left? Images? Love? A greeting even sweet to the senses?" Oedipus in his attempt to avoid fate, came face to face to fate itself however unknowingly, and is forced to deal with a variety of truths after all the years. Not only does he kill his father, but he takes his father's throne, marries and has children with his mother, and has also brought a plague over the kingdom. After all of which causes his mother to kill herself, leaving him to bear with all he has done. Now he asks himself what good is left? After all the destruction he has caused, there should only be good left. But still he sees no good, and takes his sight away from him. In a way, It is as if he has refused to take in the reality. Like a child who is afraid of monsters, closes his eyes so that he sees no monster. For Oedipus, everything he has done has been monstrous, and by stabbing his eyes and banishing himself, he hopes to bring to himself greater pain than that that had transpired throughout the story.

  26. In the play " Oedipus Rex" Oedipus in counters a series of internal conflicts during his journey to finding himself. His whole life Oedipus has been living a lie. Oedipus is so blind and fearful of fate that he falls into right into what he is destined to do. When Oedipus finally finds out the truth after everybody held back the truth Oedipus reacts so dramatically. "For the king ripped from her gown the golden brooches that were her ornament, and raised them, and plunged them down straight into his own eyeballs, crying." Oedipus throughout the play has wanted the truth but once he finally go the truth Oedipus couldn't handle it. Oedipus realizes and feels that he has followed fates will and found out who the true Oedipus was and what he is capable of.

  27. " How strange a shadowy memory crossed my mind, just now while you were speaking; it chilled my heart." Oedipus comes to a realization that he might know who killed King Laius and the person would have been himself. Which would make him the person who cursed the kingdom. Yet it would ultimately crush him because the oracle's words are true and the prophecy would have been fulfilled.Which makes Oedipus whole life a waist and a failure, as well as being looked on as less than a slave. Which shows all his wisdom physicological and rational thinking are overpowered by his own selfish emotions as well as his refusal to see his true reality or his fate.

  28. In the play "Oedipus the King", Oedipus conflicts with himself internally because of the rumors of his parents not being his real parents. Oedipus said "You are a dead man if I have to ask you again." (Pg. 63). He was talking to the messenger and he's getting more and more impatient about the situation. After all the rumors and comments he's been getting (from the drunk man at the party to the blind man, Teiresias) Oedipus has the right to finally know the truth. His new wife/ real mom never told him and neither did his adoptive parents. Oedipus is almost angry with the suspense and takes it out on the messenger.

  29. In the play "Oedipus Rex" Oedipus ends up going through several internal conflicts throughout his journey.Oedipus fears his future in the fact that he was told that he was going to end up marrying his mom and killing his dad.But he dosen't follow people like "Teiresias" advice."I say you live in hideous shame with those most dear to you.You can not see the evil"(pg20).Even though 'Teiresias' warn's Oedipus, he ignores him.Through out the play Oedipus worries that what 'Teiresias' and others are saying is true.But Oedipus still ignores advice and eventually he fears their is no way to stop what is going to happen.When it is to late Oedipus choices to disappear or die because he feels he cannot undo his mistakes."For the love of God,conceal me Somewhere far from Thebes; or kill me; or hurl me into the sea, away from men's eyes forever".

  30. In the play Oedipus Rex, after coming to terms with his actual truth Oedipus says,
    "O Light, may I look on you got the last time! I, Oedipus, oedipus damned in his birth, in his marriage damned, damned in the blood he shed with his own hand."
    Oedipus has now fully confirmed that he is the child of the prophecy that said he would kill his father and marry his mother. Oedipus is going from the light or truth that he once knew, to the actual truth that is too bright, or painful to bear. The king is being blinded by the harsh reality of the truth and can no longer stand to look into the disaster that is his life. He can no longer run from his fate, because he met it long ago without even realizing it. There was never a way for Oedipus to cheat fate, he just never had to see things for what they were. Now the king has to look directly at the light, or the truth and accept it.

  31. In the play Oedipus Rex, Oedipus in the beginning of the play was blind to the truth and thought he knew who he was. As we get toward the middle of the play Oedipus is in denial and is blaming everybody else even though he knows the truth. For example, Teiresias says," A blind man , who has his eyes now; a penniless man , who is rich now." Teiresias is using dramatic irony because Teiresias knows the truth and we can infer that he knows truth is going to come out. Oedipus by the end of the play is confused with who he is and knows that his fate is sealed by the mistakes he has made and his parents mistakes. Oedipus says, " Hurl me into the sea , and away from mens eyes forever." Oedipus doesnt want to face everyone and blinds himself. We can make a connection from what Teirsias said earlier, " A blind man, Who has his eyes now." He knew that Oedipus was going to blind himself becuase he knew that Oedipus was horrified with all his mistakes.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. In the play "Oedipus Rex" Oedupis was cursed by fate and everyone in the play knew about it except for him. Throughout his life he believed that he was innocent. As he finds out about his curse he leaves to another place where he can no longer hurt his parents , but the ironic part is that as he travels to a new place he starts the curse by killing his own biological father and marrying his own mother. He slowly comes to realize who he is and he wishes that he was dead because of what he has done to his whole family and Thebes , "If only I had died, This weight of monstrous doom could not have dragged me and my darlings down. " So basically he has been living a lie throughout his whole life and he was too blind to see the truth even when it was right in front of him. Now he has to face the truth and deal with it and leave Thebes forever

  34. As Oedipus is trying to discover who he truly is he faces multiple internal conflicts in which he questions his past and what those around him know about his life. He encounters insecurity and curiosity which later turns into guilt and disbelief as the truth is uncovered. In the beginning he expresses such acts of denial and becomes defensive when the rumor comes out that he is the murderer of the King. After the truth is discovered he cannot handle it and he acts on impulse. "From this hour, go in darkness! And as he spoke, He struck at his eyes-not once, but many times.." Oedipus blinds himself because he cannot stand to see the "light" or in other words the truth about his wrong doings and upbringing. Throughout his whole psychological process, Oedipus changes from being determined to finding the murderer, to insecure in that he may be the murderer, to living in shame and disbelief because he was the person he was searching for all along.

  35. As Oedipus is trying to discover who he truly is he faces multiple internal conflicts in which he questions his past and what those around him know about his life. He encounters insecurity and curiosity which later turns into guilt and disbelief as the truth is uncovered. In the beginning he expresses such acts of denial and becomes defensive when the rumor comes out that he is the murderer of the King. After the truth is discovered he cannot handle it and he acts on impulse. "From this hour, go in darkness! And as he spoke, He struck at his eyes-not once, but many times.." Oedipus blinds himself because he cannot stand to see the "light" or in other words the truth about his wrong doings and upbringing. Throughout his whole psychological process, Oedipus changes from being determined to finding the murderer, to insecure in that he may be the murderer, to living in shame and disbelief because he was the person he was searching for all along.
