In Bruegel's painting "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus" he creates a scenery where everyone in the painting is consumed in their own activity and they do not not care that Icarus has fallen into the water and is drowning. Icarus allowed his ego to get to him and as a result he flew too close to the sun and fell. This cost him his life. However, the idea that his death was irrelevant to everyone else connects to the literary text "This is Water." Throughout this text David Foster Wallace presents the idea that everyone in society is unaware of the important things going on around them. People are only focused on themselves and their own priorities and they never slow down to take everyone else into consideration.
In the text, "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus" the people in the painting semi to go on with their everyday life, and none are watching or even trying to help Icarus. This is what happens when the the sin, pride consumes you. Like Icarus pride killed him, he got to close to the sun which melted his wings and fell to his death. This may have a somewhat similar theory to "Catcher in the Rye" and "Where the Wild thing Are" but the poem, "Landscape with the fall of Icarus" related more strongly to the documentary of "This is Water" how the speaker was saying how we put our selfish ways in front of us before anyone else. The people doing their jobs are not paying attention to Ocsrus drowning, which is selfish of them. The fisherman who is right by the water is not even taking his own "time" to stop and see that a man is drowning.
In Bruegel's painting "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus" he interprets the poems into a small village where everyone is doing their every day work. And with Icarus recently disobeying his father and going up to the sun causing his wings, that are made of wax, to melt causing the fall that ended Icarus. With people witnessing it yet ignoring it at the same time shows how people are all set doing what they should do. They completely ignore Icarus falling and do not help him. Also with the plower and his bull symbolizing the Minotaur constantly walking around the labyrinth, which is his field, never leaving it. This connects to Stalinger's novel "The Catcher in the Rye" because Holden also has a experience where no one would help him in his time of need when he was in New York.
In the Picture, " Landscape with the Fall of Icarus" Icarus has fallen into the water due to his high ego, he flew too close it the sun and fell into the water. While he is drowning everyone around him seems to not even bother to help or even turn around to see if he was okay, they are being inhuman. The animals, the bird and the sheep, seem to act more human then the actual people; they turn around to look at Icarus drowning in the water. this connects to the documentary of "This is Water" how the speaker talks about people not being aware of their surroundings because they are too busy focusing on themselves. People are too selfish now a days to just take a minute or two out of their path to simply look around to see if anyone is need of help.
In the painting The Fall of Icarus by Pieter Bruegel de Oude, Bruegel displays Icarus as a helpless man, drowning unnoticed by his surroundings. The artist further mocks Icarus by painting a bird and ship in full sail as if to say, "This could have been you without pride". In addition, the artist strategically places the sun on the horizon as Icarus is seeing his last day. This idea of the rest of the world being indifferent to the important things of life similar to the scene in The Fall of Icarus is also present in Catcher In the Rye. When the main character, Holden Claufield, arrives in Manhattan people are indifferent the ideals that Holden holds close. While ridding a taxi, Holden is concerned about the safety of the ducks in Central Park. However, the taxi driver is focused on ripping Holden off, totally indifferent to what was really important.
In Bruegel's painting "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus" he creates an image of common people like a shepherd and a plowman doing there regular routine of work. Icarus had allowed his pride to take over and not listen to his father. Which resulted in his death of falling and drowning. The people doing there regular day to day routine had not noticed or helped him when he was drowning. This related to the literary speech "This is Water" by David Foster Wallace. In his speech he talks and recognizes in society people tend to only care about themselves and not of other around them.
In Bruegel’s painting “Landscape with the fall of Icarus” he illustrates how Icarus has fallen from the sky and is now drowning. This painting also shows three men not caring that a man has just fallen into the water and is drowning. This is related to J.D. Salinger’s Catcher in the rye, because in the novel there is Holden, a boy struggling in NYC but gets no help. This shows that the man plowing the field in the painting represents Maurice in Salinger's novel because, both men don’t care about or help the character that is “drowning”. Also in Salinger’s novel Holden the main character has a goal of being the catcher in the rye which means he want to save kids from falling off a ledge and dying. Which is what happened to Icarus when he fell of the edge of the tower to fly, but his dream was crushed by obstacles like the sun and sea. Icarus had to find a happy median to fly, which is what Holden had to do to become happy and fulfilled.
In the painting Landscape with the Fall of Icarus and the novel The Catcher in the Rye are similar in how Holden and Icarus both gets ignored by their surroundings. Icarus didn’t get any help from falling into the water and there were people around who didn’t pay attention. Like the shepherd who was looking up into the sky and the farmer focused on plowing the field. In Holden case asking the cab driver where the ducks in the park went during the winter. The cab driver didn’t seem interested or caring about the nature in New York. Everyone worry about working, staying focus on what their job is and not to their surroundings.
In the illustration of Icarus we can see where the man is drowning and everyone else just ignores it and it continues doing there job. This relates to the book the Catcher in the Rye, in where Holden is tempted on going into the wrong path and nobody cares for him. In the book New York is the Labyrinth and everyone that he has met in the New York don't care about him they just continue to their own job too. For example when Holden is in the New York he tries to talk to the a taxi driver about the Ducks and different things but the taxi driver doesn't care he only want to do his job and that's it. This connects to the illustration where the man is drowning and everyone around them don't care they're doing there work. The book and the illustration relates to the real life, in where now days people only care about making about their job and making money and sometimes those people forget about their love ones.
This is Jeremiah Cottman's post because he has issues posting.
In Bruegel's painting "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus" the illustration depicts an image of Icarus drowning in the sea after falling from the sky. He and his father, Daedalus, escape the Labyrinth by wings the father had made out of wax and feathers. Daedalus had told Icarus not to fly to close to the sun. Naturally, humans want to show off. Pride had taken over Icarus and he flew as high as he could soon to be falling to his death after his wings melt. In the painting nobody seems to care for Icarus or bother to help him. This scenario connects to Cather in the Rye when Holden is out and about in New York and nobody cares to help him either.
In his painting Bruegel’s “Landscape with the Fall of Icarus” J.D. Salinger uses subtle symbolism in order to express the themes of humanity's ways; which can be connected and compared to “The Catcher and the Rye” by J.D. Salinger In which the author uses subtle symbolism to show humanity's ways. For example Bruegel’s Paints Icarus drowning and only the animals pay attention to him. While writes " I asked her if she could go have a hot, thank you... kids always have to meet their friend. That kills me."(page119). This shows that both the animals and the kid want to help but really can't grasp how to help. Since they don't know how to help it can end up leading to the downfall of others. In addition paints an Bruegel’s island of rocks. The rocks seem to symbolize the labyrinth. Holden says, “Allie, don’t let me disappear. Allie don’t let me disappear. Allie don’t let me disappear. Please Allie. Then I cross the street and then when I reach the end of the street without disappearing I thank him.”(page198) This shows that Holden also has a labyrinth, his dead brother Allie. Just like the labyrinth can be dangerous and unforgiving, so can being stuck in the past and focused on the deceased. The painter paints people with their backs turned on others around them and their eyes focused solely on their job. In the story Holden notices a lot of freaky things going on and he says, “They didn’t even bother to pull the shades down...”(page61). The quote expresses people focused solely on them not caring about what other people in society think of them. Overall the painting and the story shows that humans contain ignorance, emotions that can take control of living, and freedom that can be seen as being wild. by Tachae Hankerson
In Bruegel's painting there are many symbols that can be used to be compared to Catcher In The Rye, Holden leaves Pencey and goes back home to New York symbolized by the ships leaving. When he gets to NY he enters a different world full of sin, lust, and craziness that he tries to ignore. While worrying about Allie all at once. He is like the Ploughman who is trying to ignore the crazy world yet he keeps pulling himself in, all for innocence and to save Phoebe. Icarus' drowning is a symbol for Holdem trying to make it through the craziness, all the while many things are going on around him with people who could care less about his situation. Instead he gets pulled in and drowns symbolically when he gets sent to a mental hospital to face reality.
In the painting "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus", Bruegal uses a landscape made of other details in the painting to enshroud Icarus drowning inferring the main idea that ones personal needs and misfortunes doesn't affect others priorities. For example in the painting the sentar is consumed by his activities that he is completely oblivious to Icarus drowning to his death in the near by water. This conveys Bruegrle's point that Icarus's misfortune is nota matter of importance to anyone else because they are dealing with their own labyrinth day to day. This connects to the literary text "This is Water" by David Foster Wallace because Wallace argues that "You get to conciously decide what has meaning and what doesn't. You get to decide what to worship." The sentar and the plower in the painting are deciding to continue their personal priorities and not give meaning to Icarus and his prideful downfall.
In Bruegal's painting Icarus's death was caused by his own doing and complete disregard of his fathers instruction. When Icarus fell into the sea and dies he was unnoticed. This can relate the "The catcher in the rye". Holden was asked to leave Pency Prep because he had failed foul of his five classes. This was caused by his lack of care attitude and disregard. When Holden left Penc and returned home to New York City he has gone unnoticed by his family and friends.
In Bruegal's painting "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus" it focuses more on whats going around Icarus than Icarus himself. The painting shows that even though Icarus is seen drowning everyone has little to no concern about him. They are all just continuing what they find is much more important and are not letting some stranger stop them from finishing it. This is similar to Holden in "The Catcher in the Rye" who is pushed into the unknown that is New York and is constantly struggling but no one cares for him. Everyone around him sees him as a stranger that doesn't go along their personal priorities so they just ignore him. Then in the painting Icarus is seen falling into the water which could be compared to Holden's fall being the transfer to a mental hospital.
In Bruguel's painting "Landscape with the fall of Icarus" the author displays a disconnection between everyone no matter their situation. He illustrates the people in his painting being oblivious to Icarus falling from the sky and drowning in the ocean. It left the viewing feeling that the people around Icarus felt that their jobs were more important then the being "human" and helping a person in need. This concept was very similar in David Foster Wallace's literature "This is Water." Foster describes everyone as almost being like a Minotaur, similar to the one in the story about Icarus, by showing that everyone is animal like in only caring about themselves. People often avoid the human thing to do by helping those in need and taking care of one another. Instead this is replaced by our selfish need to block out everyone else's problems and survive on our own. Similar to that of a minotaur which is half man, half bull.
In " Landscape with the Fall of Icarus" by William Carlos Williams he is talking about the death of Icarus. His specific choice of words like "concerned with itself" "unsignificantly " and " quite unnoticed " are words that describe Icarus death. No one cares that there was a man drowning, they didn't know why he even fell because those People were too busy going on about their day, doing whatever is more important to them. In the painting by Pieter Brugel, his painting shows all these details of how his death went unnoticed, but there are also other things. For instance the guy who was plowing and ha his head down, was behind a bull ( or a horse, I don't know) but together they represented the Minotaur and the area that was getting plowed represented the Labyrinth. Also there is a bird by where Icarus is drowning and it basically is making fun of Icarus of how he tried to fly but the bird can because the bird actually knows how to fly. The ship that is leaving the area also makes fun of the fact that Icarus is drowning because Icarus didn't go anywhere but drown in the Ocean and the ship gets to sail away.
In the paintng of Icarus, by Peiter Bruegel, the painter shows the ploughman ploughing his "field" and not really being aware of his surroundings. The ploughman is in a labyrinth and of focusing on just doing his job and being careless to anything else going on. In the Catcher of the Rye, when Holden is in New York, in the taxi, he asks an irrevalent question of where do the ducks go when the pond freezes over. The taxi driver thinks of Holden as childish and unmature. The taxi driver doesn't have time for childish play and is only focused on one thing , get money. He doesn't care about the ducks or anything else anybody else is doing
Bruguel's painting "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus" reminds me of "This is Water" because in the author talks about how people need to learn how to learn how to focus on the important things in life. I feel like this painting explains exactly what David Foster Walter was saying in "This is Water" everyone in the picture is so consumed with what they are doing, they forget to think about what's going on in the world outside of themselves. The shepherd is still tending to his sheep, the fisher is still fishing, the boat is still rowing, and the minotaur is still tending to his horse; nobody is paying attention to the world outside themselves. This reminds me of modernism, because now days people only focus on themselves, how to make themselves better, thrive, and survive. Modern ways of thinking include everyone trying to make themselves better then the next person, and that is exactly what this picture shows. The ship is still trying to get to its destination, the fisher still wants to catch its fish, the shepherd is still tending to his sheep, and the minotaur is still still working his horse, all while a person is drowning. Icarus drowning is helping all the other citizens get better and help themselves by losing a competitor at life.
In Bruguel's painting " Landscape with the fall of Icarus", Icarus is seen drowning. The painting demonstrates the lack of attention pay to their surroundings. As Icarus is drowning everybody is going on with their lives, not even noticing him drowning. Bruguel's painting is also similar to David Foster Wallace "This Water". In "This is water", David Foster touches on the subject that people pay attention to their own problems and lives that they don't realize what other people are going through or having to encounter. Not acknowledging the world around you, and others struggles could have a negative effect on life. Similar to when Icarus was only worried about his wants and needs he ignored his fathers' idea and had a really bad consequences which was death. Moral behind each storyline, that too much ambition, too much self awareness could lead to serious outcomes.
In his painting, "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus" William Carlos Williams uses metaphor and symbolism to indicate the connection of Holden to the poem. The labyrinth in "The Catcher and the Rye" in New Your City. Holden feels secure when he puts his hunting hat on. The connection of the book and poem is that Holden is disobedience when He is told to follow a rule. Holden is the man drowning in the poem which symbolises Holden being disobedience to what people help him. People in New York don't care about anyone, indicates Holden's independence.
In Jacob Peter Gowy's painting "The Flight of Icarus" it depicts Icarus falling from the sky and with background knowledge viewers know this was due to Icarus not listening to his father. In the story, the sun was a symbol of desire in which Icarus met his demise. In The Catcher in the Rye, Holden tries to reject society's desires and norms by having his own, to catch the children when they fall off the cliff. At the end of the novel, Holden is in a rest home. In the real world, not his mind, Holden has in a way met his form of the end, to readers due to him not elaborating. Holden leaned toward his desire which unfortunately led him to the rest home and Icarus to his death.
In the painting The Fall of Icarus by Pieter Bruegel de Oude, Bruegel displays Icarus as a helpless man, drowning unnoticed by his surroundings. The artist further mocks Icarus by painting a bird and ship in full sail as if to say, "This could have been you without pride". In addition, the artist strategically places the sun on the horizon as Icarus is seeing his last day. This idea of the rest of the world being indifferent to the important things of life similar to the scene in The Fall of Icarus is also present in Catcher In the Rye. When the main character, Holden Claufield, arrives in Manhattan people are indifferent the ideals that Holden holds close. While ridding a taxi, Holden is concerned about the safety of the ducks in Central Park. However, the taxi driver is focused on ripping Holden off, totally indifferent to what was really important.
In Pieter Brueghel's painting "Landscape With the Fall of Icarus", certain images can be connected to the story "Where the Wild Things Are" because each piece of art portrays the struggle human beings experience when attempting to interact with each other in an agreeable manner while trying to satisfy their primal urges. By painting Icarus as a human who is drowning after attempting to escape social interaction whilst those who accept the interaction survive, Breughel captures the philosophy of a "dog eat dog world" (wolves are dogs, and they are wild, which will make sense later, I guess). In other words, Icarus could not survive without compromise with other human beings. This relates to "Where the Wild Things Are" because the author of that story left the same message when he/she resolved the story with Max suppressing his "wolfish" nature (i.e. consenting to the oppressive authority figure which governs his life). When max chose to defy society's consensus, which is that we must conceal our truest desires in order to live peacefully, he was scolded by authority (his mother, who is a parent), and alienated, similar to the minotaur who did conform to society's ideal of beauty and acceptable behavior. Similarly, when Icarus tried to escape the oppressive figure which ruled his life, he ultimately failed and died alone. Another symbol of things falling apart when we stray from the consensus would be when Icarus flew higher that he was told to and fell. Daedalus represents the authority figure who created the society (i.e. Icarus's wings) and each feather of the wing could represent an individual person. When one person sought greater purpose, the wax that held the wings together (i.e. laws) fell apart, thus destroying the wings and sending each feather to the ocean to drown along with Icarus. This can relate to "Where the Wild Things Are" because when Max was "on the island", he represented the authority figure and the Wild Things symbolized the average person. When Max allowed his Wild Things to run amok without rules, or laws, the social order of his kingdom was sent into disarray and his citizens longed for his return, eyen though he was gone forever. This means that society cannot function without rules or authority, and that they are necessary to prevent us from falling apart and drowning with Icarus. It all depends on whether we want to be the Minotaur (free to be Wild Things, but isolated from others), Daedalus (free to live and pass our lessons on to our children, but governed by self-determined rules that control how we shall live), or Icarus (determined to find our own path and looking for a bright future (<--lol, the sun), whatever that may encompass, but failing in our task and bringing the rest of society with us).
Also, maybe that bird was placed there to place a sense of irony in Icarus' death, since birds can fly and are still in their primal "default" mode without any of the consequences of drowning. Unless a cat or a cheetah or something kills it. Or, unless we shoot it. I saw someone run over a bird once... Anyway, that bird could symbolize everything that Icarus, and maybe we ourselves, desired to be, which is wild and on good terms with each other without having to make up all of these rules and shooting at each other when we don't "obey" them
In Pieter Brueghel's painting "Landscape With the Fall of Icarus", certain items in the painting remind me of David Foster Walter's speech "This is water". In Walters speech he talks about how people are stuck on their "defalt setting" and they worry about themselves and not others. In the painting you can see the plough man, and the fisherman, and the ship all pass by Icarus drowning and don't try to help him. The painting also remind of modernism because now days you see people actually like the plough man, trapped in their own world and don't help people in Icarus' position. They are so worried about trying to succeed that they don't realize for them to succeed someone else must fail.
In Brugel's painting "Landscape With the Fall of Icarus", he illustrates a very ill-defined setting where everyone and everything appears certain in its placement. Without reading about Icarus I wouldn't know what the focus of the painting would be . Because of that I know Icarus is obviously the focus of the painting but still other parts are prominent in their representation. The painting depicts Icarus drowning in the water after his wings failed. Icarus got full of himself,allowed his pride to overcome him, and flew to close to the sun. His father warned him of being hubris and of complacency. This directly relates to the text we read "This is Water" that also develops ideas of how people can be overly focused on themselves and not the things around them that they become selfish in way. Icarus was only focused on getting away from the Labryinth and thought he was out.
In Brugel's painting "The Falling of Icarus", the painter depicts the message be detailing nearly every aspect of the painting heading towards the city. This shows the message of the world will not stop in its wake due to another's failure, especially when it was on your own account. for example, the ploughman keeps plowing, the boats keep sailing towards the city, and the fisher keeps fishing even though all it would take is a split second out of their day and they could have saved Icarus. This depiction remind me of the poem, "To Paint a Water Lily", because the author explains how society only views the surface of an circumstance and moves on, which is the point of the painting because everyone acknowledges Icarus, however continues about their own business.
In his Painting, Fall of Icarus Breughel uses imagery to demonstrate Icarus’s loneliness in society. This relates to J.D Salingers “Catcher in the Rye” because Holden also felt alone and distant from others. In Fall of Icarus, we could see Icarus drowning in the ocean with many bystanders sitting around doing nothing but worrying about themselves. Icarus chose to disobey his father which led to his death. Holden decided to venture out to New York where he felt most alone. Not wanting to conform to the rules, like Icarus, he was beat and had his money stolen. Neither Icarus nor Holden wanted to conform to the rules which led to their loneliness and undoing.
In Brueghel's painting "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus", there is a Minotaur that he illustrates. In the painting there is a man plowing and he has a human head but his legs look rather animal-like. The farmer's legs were darker than his face's complexion and they were a lot more hairier than the rest of him. In the story of Icarus, the Minotaur is described as "half-man, half-bull monster". Max in "Where the Wild Things Are" sees himself as half-boy, half-monster. Once Max put on his monster costume, his wild side came out towards his mom and got him in trouble and sent to his room. When Max got in trouble, that showed that he is still a little boy and not fully a monster. Because the Minotaur in the painting was half-man, he still had human duties to do such as plowing; just like Max had to go to his room because he's still a boy.
In Brueghel's painting "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus" there is the body of a man being submerged in water, drowning, while the people around are oblivious and continuing on with their lives. The tragedy of one person often goes unnoticed by others who are only consumed in their lives. As W.H Auden's poem states "the expensive and delicate ship that must have seen something amazing, a boy falling out of the sky, had somewhere to get to and sailed calmly on." The downfall or feelings of one person may go unnoticed by another. Just as in Thomas Hardy's poem "Nobody Comes" the man speaks of how "a car comes up, with lamps full-glare, That flash upon a tree: It has nothing to do with me, and whangs along in a world of its own." Every person has their own life, their own problems, their own plans. There is not enough time to worry about everyone else in the world. It has been imprinted in us since the day we were born. "Worry about yourself, not anyone else." is a common phrase engraved into our minds. These three pieces of literature and art all amount to the same thing, the human race is trained to continue moving through everyday life no matter what is happening around them. Our autopilot is self salvation, not human salvation.
In Bruegel's painting "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus" the image portrays Icarus falling into the ocean. However the world around him continues to mind their own business. The ploughman continues to do his job and the ship that is sailing past pays no mind to him either. In this scenery Bruegel creates the idea that everyone is absorbed into their own world. No one is worried about what goes on around them so long as their own world is not disrupted. Another text where this can be seen in is "The Catcher in the Rye". In that novel Holden has a similar experience to Icarus while in Manhattan. In this large city everybody is worried about themselves and could care less about anybody else. The streets are filled with people and taxis all of which are oblivious to the world around them. Thus causing the image and Catcher in the Rye to share similarities.
Bruegel' s painting of "Landscape with the fall of Icarus" and "This is water" by David Foster both show an understanding of humanity's ways. In the painting, Icarus is drowning from his high ego. Those around him, pay no attention. The boat continues to row, the fisher is still fishing & the shepherd is tending to his sheep. They care nothing about Icarus because they are too busy in their own world. The maize has mentally trapped them to think of nothing but themselves. Just as "This is water" depicts that people are not aware of their surroundings becayse they focus too much on themselves. People don't stop to see how others are, or who needs help if it doesn't affect their lives.
In the painting, "Musee Des Beaux Arts" the ships are similar to the taxi driver in "Catcher in the Rye". The ships were fascinated by the sight of a boy falling from the sky; however, they continued on their journey because they had a job to do. The taxi driver in "Catcher in the Rye" was offered to go out for drinks by Holden and refused, though he may have wanted to, because he had a job to do as well. Both pieces shyed away from a boy in need of attention greatly.
In the painting of "Landscape of the fall of Icarus" the artist uses irony and perception to explain the poets meaning in the poem. In the painting Icarus is very hard to point out while the farmer will probably be the first thing you see. This shows what the poet was saying by what was more important to people, their everyday lives or others hardships. In the children's story "Where the Wild Things Are" when Max comes back from his journey it seemingly to go unnoticed. The author expresses how it took a long time for Max to get to the new land and back but when he comes back to his room the night wasn't even over. Although Max's journey had been very important to him it didn't effect his mom or the world around him as much. This is similar to Icarus death how life still went on even if his didn't. Both pieces shows irony and point of view to demonstrate how personal lessons or journeys don't go any further than who is dealing with them.
In Bruegel's painting "Landscape with the fall of Icarus" the image depicts the Greek myth of Icarus and Daedalus. In the image, if you look closely, is Icarus falling into the ocean because of his failure of flying to escape the Labyrinth.Bruegel forces us to look closely at how Icarus death goes unnoticed and the irony surrounding him. Everyone around Icarus isn't paying him any attention, which is shown with the ploughman, and it is seen as merely a boy going for a swim. Bruegel's painting is a depiction of self-absorption and how little we recognize whats going on in the world around us. This is similar to what we see in " The Catcher in the Rye" with Holden. In the novel Holden is concerned with whats going to happen with the ducks and the taxi driver is only concerned with getting his money. Both the painting and novel shows us how we all need to stop and look at the world around us, not at our own selfish desires.
The painting “ the fall of Icarus” by Brughel depicts how the world works. In the painting the main focuses are workers and coastal cities that give off a tone of serenity. Then in the corner of the painting is Icarus drowning. In the painting nobody tries to help him either. A Fisher not too far from him doesn’t even try to save him and a boat sails right by him. This painting shows how the real world works in a sense that the problems of one means nothing to everything around him. In the painting there’s a plough man who is focused on his tedious and repetitive work creating his own “labyrinth” that contains him the “minotaur”. Putting both meanings together, people are stuck in the labyrinth of day to day work to pay attention to others even if they are suffering like icarus. This ties into the text “this is water” that also has the similar theme of people with a default setting in life that don’t pay attention to the feelings of others. With the labyrinth of work we turn into minotaurs , a beast, that develops a default setting on life and therefore doesn’t care for others.
In Bruegel's painting "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus" he creates a scenery where everyone in the painting is consumed in their own activity and they do not not care that Icarus has fallen into the water and is drowning. Icarus allowed his ego to get to him and as a result he flew too close to the sun and fell. This cost him his life. However, the idea that his death was irrelevant to everyone else connects to the literary text "This is Water." Throughout this text David Foster Wallace presents the idea that everyone in society is unaware of the important things going on around them. People are only focused on themselves and their own priorities and they never slow down to take everyone else into consideration.
ReplyDeleteThis is awesome. Didn't think of it like
DeleteIn the text, "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus" the people in the painting semi to go on with their everyday life, and none are watching or even trying to help Icarus. This is what happens when the the sin, pride consumes you. Like Icarus pride killed him, he got to close to the sun which melted his wings and fell to his death. This may have a somewhat similar theory to "Catcher in the Rye" and "Where the Wild thing Are" but the poem, "Landscape with the fall of Icarus" related more strongly to the documentary of "This is Water" how the speaker was saying how we put our selfish ways in front of us before anyone else. The people doing their jobs are not paying attention to Ocsrus drowning, which is selfish of them. The fisherman who is right by the water is not even taking his own "time" to stop and see that a man is drowning.
ReplyDeleteIn Bruegel's painting "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus" he interprets the poems into a small village where everyone is doing their every day work. And with Icarus recently disobeying his father and going up to the sun causing his wings, that are made of wax, to melt causing the fall that ended Icarus. With people witnessing it yet ignoring it at the same time shows how people are all set doing what they should do. They completely ignore Icarus falling and do not help him. Also with the plower and his bull symbolizing the Minotaur constantly walking around the labyrinth, which is his field, never leaving it. This connects to Stalinger's novel "The Catcher in the Rye" because Holden also has a experience where no one would help him in his time of need when he was in New York.
ReplyDeleteIn the Picture, " Landscape with the Fall of Icarus" Icarus has fallen into the water due to his high ego, he flew too close it the sun and fell into the water. While he is drowning everyone around him seems to not even bother to help or even turn around to see if he was okay, they are being inhuman. The animals, the bird and the sheep, seem to act more human then the actual people; they turn around to look at Icarus drowning in the water. this connects to the documentary of "This is Water" how the speaker talks about people not being aware of their surroundings because they are too busy focusing on themselves. People are too selfish now a days to just take a minute or two out of their path to simply look around to see if anyone is need of help.
ReplyDeleteIn the painting The Fall of Icarus by Pieter Bruegel de Oude, Bruegel displays Icarus as a helpless man, drowning unnoticed by his surroundings. The artist further mocks Icarus by painting a bird and ship in full sail as if to say, "This could have been you without pride". In addition, the artist strategically places the sun on the horizon as Icarus is seeing his last day. This idea of the rest of the world being indifferent to the important things of life similar to the scene in The Fall of Icarus is also present in Catcher In the Rye. When the main character, Holden Claufield, arrives in Manhattan people are indifferent the ideals that Holden holds close. While ridding a taxi, Holden is concerned about the safety of the ducks in Central Park. However, the taxi driver is focused on ripping Holden off, totally indifferent to what was really important.
ReplyDeleteIn Bruegel's painting "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus" he creates an image of common people like a shepherd and a plowman doing there regular routine of work. Icarus had allowed his pride to take over and not listen to his father. Which resulted in his death of falling and drowning. The people doing there regular day to day routine had not noticed or helped him when he was drowning. This related to the literary speech "This is Water" by David Foster Wallace. In his speech he talks and recognizes in society people tend to only care about themselves and not of other around them.
ReplyDeleteIn Bruegel’s painting “Landscape with the fall of Icarus” he illustrates how Icarus has fallen from the sky and is now drowning. This painting also shows three men not caring that a man has just fallen into the water and is drowning. This is related to J.D. Salinger’s Catcher in the rye, because in the novel there is Holden, a boy struggling in NYC but gets no help. This shows that the man plowing the field in the painting represents Maurice in Salinger's novel because, both men don’t care about or help the character that is “drowning”. Also in Salinger’s novel Holden the main character has a goal of being the catcher in the rye which means he want to save kids from falling off a ledge and dying. Which is what happened to Icarus when he fell of the edge of the tower to fly, but his dream was crushed by obstacles like the sun and sea. Icarus had to find a happy median to fly, which is what Holden had to do to become happy and fulfilled.
ReplyDeleteIn the painting Landscape with the Fall of Icarus and the novel The Catcher in the Rye are similar in how Holden and Icarus both gets ignored by their surroundings. Icarus didn’t get any help from falling into the water and there were people around who didn’t pay attention. Like the shepherd who was looking up into the sky and the farmer focused on plowing the field. In Holden case asking the cab driver where the ducks in the park went during the winter. The cab driver didn’t seem interested or caring about the nature in New York. Everyone worry about working, staying focus on what their job is and not to their surroundings.
ReplyDeletegood thinking
DeleteIn the illustration of Icarus we can see where the man is drowning and everyone else just ignores it and it continues doing there job. This relates to the book the Catcher in the Rye, in where Holden is tempted on going into the wrong path and nobody cares for him. In the book New York is the Labyrinth and everyone that he has met in the New York don't care about him they just continue to their own job too. For example when Holden is in the New York he tries to talk to the a taxi driver about the Ducks and different things but the taxi driver doesn't care he only want to do his job and that's it. This connects to the illustration where the man is drowning and everyone around them don't care they're doing there work. The book and the illustration relates to the real life, in where now days people only care about making about their job and making money and sometimes those people forget about their love ones.
ReplyDeleteThis is Jeremiah Cottman's post because he has issues posting.
ReplyDeleteIn Bruegel's painting "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus" the illustration depicts an image of Icarus drowning in the sea after falling from the sky. He and his father, Daedalus, escape the Labyrinth by wings the father had made out of wax and feathers. Daedalus had told Icarus not to fly to close to the sun. Naturally, humans want to show off. Pride had taken over Icarus and he flew as high as he could soon to be falling to his death after his wings melt. In the painting nobody seems to care for Icarus or bother to help him. This scenario connects to Cather in the Rye when Holden is out and about in New York and nobody cares to help him either.
In his painting Bruegel’s “Landscape with the Fall of Icarus” J.D. Salinger uses subtle symbolism in order to express the themes of humanity's ways; which can be connected and compared to “The Catcher and the Rye” by J.D. Salinger In which the author uses subtle symbolism to show humanity's ways. For example Bruegel’s Paints Icarus drowning and only the animals pay attention to him. While writes " I asked her if she could go have a hot, thank you... kids always have to meet their friend. That kills me."(page119). This shows that both the animals and the kid want to help but really can't grasp how to help. Since they don't know how to help it can end up leading to the downfall of others. In addition paints an Bruegel’s island of rocks. The rocks seem to symbolize the labyrinth. Holden says, “Allie, don’t let me disappear. Allie don’t let me disappear. Allie don’t let me disappear. Please Allie. Then I cross the street and then when I reach the end of the street without disappearing I thank him.”(page198) This shows that Holden also has a labyrinth, his dead brother Allie. Just like the labyrinth can be dangerous and unforgiving, so can being stuck in the past and focused on the deceased. The painter paints people with their backs turned on others around them and their eyes focused solely on their job. In the story Holden notices a lot of freaky things going on and he says, “They didn’t even bother to pull the shades down...”(page61). The quote expresses people focused solely on them not caring about what other people in society think of them. Overall the painting and the story shows that humans contain ignorance, emotions that can take control of living, and freedom that can be seen as being wild. by Tachae Hankerson
ReplyDeleteIn Bruegel's painting there are many symbols that can be used to be compared to Catcher In The Rye, Holden leaves Pencey and goes back home to New York symbolized by the ships leaving. When he gets to NY he enters a different world full of sin, lust, and craziness that he tries to ignore. While worrying about Allie all at once. He is like the Ploughman who is trying to ignore the crazy world yet he keeps pulling himself in, all for innocence and to save Phoebe. Icarus' drowning is a symbol for Holdem trying to make it through the craziness, all the while many things are going on around him with people who could care less about his situation. Instead he gets pulled in and drowns symbolically when he gets sent to a mental hospital to face reality.
ReplyDelete-Journey Alexander as Joyce Alexander
ReplyDeleteIn the painting "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus", Bruegal uses a landscape made of other details in the painting to enshroud Icarus drowning inferring the main idea that ones personal needs and misfortunes doesn't affect others priorities. For example in the painting the sentar is consumed by his activities that he is completely oblivious to Icarus drowning to his death in the near by water. This conveys Bruegrle's point that Icarus's misfortune is nota matter of importance to anyone else because they are dealing with their own labyrinth day to day. This connects to the literary text "This is Water" by David Foster Wallace because Wallace argues that "You get to conciously decide what has meaning and what doesn't. You get to decide what to worship." The sentar and the plower in the painting are deciding to continue their personal priorities and not give meaning to Icarus and his prideful downfall.
ReplyDeleteIn Bruegal's painting Icarus's death was caused by his own doing and complete disregard of his fathers instruction. When Icarus fell into the sea and dies he was unnoticed. This can relate the "The catcher in the rye". Holden was asked to leave Pency Prep because he had failed foul of his five classes. This was caused by his lack of care attitude and disregard. When Holden left Penc and returned home to New York City he has gone unnoticed by his family and friends.
ReplyDeleteIn Bruegal's painting "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus" it focuses more on whats going around Icarus than Icarus himself. The painting shows that even though Icarus is seen drowning everyone has little to no concern about him. They are all just continuing what they find is much more important and are not letting some stranger stop them from finishing it. This is similar to Holden in "The Catcher in the Rye" who is pushed into the unknown that is New York and is constantly struggling but no one cares for him. Everyone around him sees him as a stranger that doesn't go along their personal priorities so they just ignore him. Then in the painting Icarus is seen falling into the water which could be compared to Holden's fall being the transfer to a mental hospital.
ReplyDeleteIn Bruguel's painting "Landscape with the fall of Icarus" the author displays a disconnection between everyone no matter their situation. He illustrates the people in his painting being oblivious to Icarus falling from the sky and drowning in the ocean. It left the viewing feeling that the people around Icarus felt that their jobs were more important then the being "human" and helping a person in need. This concept was very similar in David Foster Wallace's literature "This is Water." Foster describes everyone as almost being like a Minotaur, similar to the one in the story about Icarus, by showing that everyone is animal like in only caring about themselves. People often avoid the human thing to do by helping those in need and taking care of one another. Instead this is replaced by our selfish need to block out everyone else's problems and survive on our own. Similar to that of a minotaur which is half man, half bull.
ReplyDeleteIn " Landscape with the Fall of Icarus" by William Carlos Williams he is talking about the death of Icarus. His specific choice of words like "concerned with itself" "unsignificantly " and " quite unnoticed " are words that describe Icarus death. No one cares that there was a man drowning, they didn't know why he even fell because those
ReplyDeletePeople were too busy going on about their day, doing whatever is more important to them. In the painting by Pieter Brugel, his painting shows all these details of how his death went unnoticed, but there are also other things. For instance the guy who was plowing and ha his head down, was behind a bull ( or a horse, I don't know) but together they represented the Minotaur and the area that was getting plowed represented the Labyrinth. Also there is a bird by where Icarus is drowning and it basically is making fun of Icarus of how he tried to fly but the bird can because the bird actually knows how to fly. The ship that is leaving the area also makes fun of the fact that Icarus is drowning because Icarus didn't go anywhere but drown in the Ocean and the ship gets to sail away.
In the paintng of Icarus, by Peiter Bruegel, the painter shows the ploughman ploughing his "field" and not really being aware of his surroundings. The ploughman is in a labyrinth and of focusing on just doing his job and being careless to anything else going on. In the Catcher of the Rye, when Holden is in New York, in the taxi, he asks an irrevalent question of where do the ducks go when the pond freezes over. The taxi driver thinks of Holden as childish and unmature. The taxi driver doesn't have time for childish play and is only focused on one thing , get money. He doesn't care about the ducks or anything else anybody else is doing
ReplyDeleteBruguel's painting "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus" reminds me of "This is Water" because in the author talks about how people need to learn how to learn how to focus on the important things in life. I feel like this painting explains exactly what David Foster Walter was saying in "This is Water" everyone in the picture is so consumed with what they are doing, they forget to think about what's going on in the world outside of themselves. The shepherd is still tending to his sheep, the fisher is still fishing, the boat is still rowing, and the minotaur is still tending to his horse; nobody is paying attention to the world outside themselves. This reminds me of modernism, because now days people only focus on themselves, how to make themselves better, thrive, and survive. Modern ways of thinking include everyone trying to make themselves better then the next person, and that is exactly what this picture shows. The ship is still trying to get to its destination, the fisher still wants to catch its fish, the shepherd is still tending to his sheep, and the minotaur is still still working his horse, all while a person is drowning. Icarus drowning is helping all the other citizens get better and help themselves by losing a competitor at life.
ReplyDeleteIn Bruguel's painting " Landscape with the fall of Icarus", Icarus is seen drowning. The painting demonstrates the lack of attention pay to their surroundings. As Icarus is drowning everybody is going on with their lives, not even noticing him drowning. Bruguel's painting is also similar to David Foster Wallace "This Water". In "This is water", David Foster touches on the subject that people pay attention to their own problems and lives that they don't realize what other people are going through or having to encounter. Not acknowledging the world around you, and others struggles could have a negative effect on life. Similar to when Icarus was only worried about his wants and needs he ignored his fathers' idea and had a really bad consequences which was death. Moral behind each storyline, that too much ambition, too much self awareness could lead to serious outcomes.
ReplyDeleteIn his painting, "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus" William Carlos Williams uses metaphor and symbolism to indicate the connection of Holden to the poem. The labyrinth in "The Catcher and the Rye" in New Your City. Holden feels secure when he puts his hunting hat on. The connection of the book and poem is that Holden is disobedience when He is told to follow a rule. Holden is the man drowning in the poem which symbolises Holden being disobedience to what people help him. People in New York don't care about anyone, indicates Holden's independence.
ReplyDeleteIn Jacob Peter Gowy's painting "The Flight of Icarus" it depicts Icarus falling from the sky and with background knowledge viewers know this was due to Icarus not listening to his father. In the story, the sun was a symbol of desire in which Icarus met his demise. In The Catcher in the Rye, Holden tries to reject society's desires and norms by having his own, to catch the children when they fall off the cliff. At the end of the novel, Holden is in a rest home. In the real world, not his mind, Holden has in a way met his form of the end, to readers due to him not elaborating. Holden leaned toward his desire which unfortunately led him to the rest home and Icarus to his death.
ReplyDeleteIn the painting The Fall of Icarus by Pieter Bruegel de Oude, Bruegel displays Icarus as a helpless man, drowning unnoticed by his surroundings. The artist further mocks Icarus by painting a bird and ship in full sail as if to say, "This could have been you without pride". In addition, the artist strategically places the sun on the horizon as Icarus is seeing his last day. This idea of the rest of the world being indifferent to the important things of life similar to the scene in The Fall of Icarus is also present in Catcher In the Rye. When the main character, Holden Claufield, arrives in Manhattan people are indifferent the ideals that Holden holds close. While ridding a taxi, Holden is concerned about the safety of the ducks in Central Park. However, the taxi driver is focused on ripping Holden off, totally indifferent to what was really important.
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ReplyDeleteIn Pieter Brueghel's painting "Landscape With the Fall of Icarus", certain images can be connected to the story "Where the Wild Things Are" because each piece of art portrays the struggle human beings experience when attempting to interact with each other in an agreeable manner while trying to satisfy their primal urges. By painting Icarus as a human who is drowning after attempting to escape social interaction whilst those who accept the interaction survive, Breughel captures the philosophy of a "dog eat dog world" (wolves are dogs, and they are wild, which will make sense later, I guess). In other words, Icarus could not survive without compromise with other human beings. This relates to "Where the Wild Things Are" because the author of that story left the same message when he/she resolved the story with Max suppressing his "wolfish" nature (i.e. consenting to the oppressive authority figure which governs his life). When max chose to defy society's consensus, which is that we must conceal our truest desires in order to live peacefully, he was scolded by authority (his mother, who is a parent), and alienated, similar to the minotaur who did conform to society's ideal of beauty and acceptable behavior. Similarly, when Icarus tried to escape the oppressive figure which ruled his life, he ultimately failed and died alone. Another symbol of things falling apart when we stray from the consensus would be when Icarus flew higher that he was told to and fell. Daedalus represents the authority figure who created the society (i.e. Icarus's wings) and each feather of the wing could represent an individual person. When one person sought greater purpose, the wax that held the wings together (i.e. laws) fell apart, thus destroying the wings and sending each feather to the ocean to drown along with Icarus. This can relate to "Where the Wild Things Are" because when Max was "on the island", he represented the authority figure and the Wild Things symbolized the average person. When Max allowed his Wild Things to run amok without rules, or laws, the social order of his kingdom was sent into disarray and his citizens longed for his return, eyen though he was gone forever. This means that society cannot function without rules or authority, and that they are necessary to prevent us from falling apart and drowning with Icarus. It all depends on whether we want to be the Minotaur (free to be Wild Things, but isolated from others), Daedalus (free to live and pass our lessons on to our children, but governed by self-determined rules that control how we shall live), or Icarus (determined to find our own path and looking for a bright future (<--lol, the sun), whatever that may encompass, but failing in our task and bringing the rest of society with us).
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ReplyDeleteAlso, maybe that bird was placed there to place a sense of irony in Icarus' death, since birds can fly and are still in their primal "default" mode without any of the consequences of drowning. Unless a cat or a cheetah or something kills it. Or, unless we shoot it. I saw someone run over a bird once... Anyway, that bird could symbolize everything that Icarus, and maybe we ourselves, desired to be, which is wild and on good terms with each other without having to make up all of these rules and shooting at each other when we don't "obey" them
ReplyDeleteIn Pieter Brueghel's painting "Landscape With the Fall of Icarus", certain items in the painting remind me of David Foster Walter's speech "This is water". In Walters speech he talks about how people are stuck on their "defalt setting" and they worry about themselves and not others. In the painting you can see the plough man, and the fisherman, and the ship all pass by Icarus drowning and don't try to help him. The painting also remind of modernism because now days you see people actually like the plough man, trapped in their own world and don't help people in Icarus' position. They are so worried about trying to succeed that they don't realize for them to succeed someone else must fail.
ReplyDeleteIn Brugel's painting "Landscape With the Fall of Icarus", he illustrates a very ill-defined setting where everyone and everything appears certain in its placement. Without reading about Icarus I wouldn't know what the focus of the painting would be . Because of that I know Icarus is obviously the focus of the painting but still other parts are prominent in their representation. The painting depicts Icarus drowning in the water after his wings failed. Icarus got full of himself,allowed his pride to overcome him, and flew to close to the sun. His father warned him of being hubris and of complacency. This directly relates to the text we read "This is Water" that also develops ideas of how people can be overly focused on themselves and not the things around them that they become selfish in way. Icarus was only focused on getting away from the Labryinth and thought he was out.
ReplyDeleteIn Brugel's painting "The Falling of Icarus", the painter depicts the message be detailing nearly every aspect of the painting heading towards the city. This shows the message of the world will not stop in its wake due to another's failure, especially when it was on your own account. for example, the ploughman keeps plowing, the boats keep sailing towards the city, and the fisher keeps fishing even though all it would take is a split second out of their day and they could have saved Icarus. This depiction remind me of the poem, "To Paint a Water Lily", because the author explains how society only views the surface of an circumstance and moves on, which is the point of the painting because everyone acknowledges Icarus, however continues about their own business.
ReplyDeleteIn his Painting, Fall of Icarus Breughel uses imagery to demonstrate Icarus’s loneliness in society. This relates to J.D Salingers “Catcher in the Rye” because Holden also felt alone and distant from others. In Fall of Icarus, we could see Icarus drowning in the ocean with many bystanders sitting around doing nothing but worrying about themselves. Icarus chose to disobey his father which led to his death. Holden decided to venture out to New York where he felt most alone. Not wanting to conform to the rules, like Icarus, he was beat and had his money stolen. Neither Icarus nor Holden wanted to conform to the rules which led to their loneliness and undoing.
ReplyDeleteIn Brueghel's painting "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus", there is a Minotaur that he illustrates. In the painting there is a man plowing and he has a human head but his legs look rather animal-like. The farmer's legs were darker than his face's complexion and they were a lot more hairier than the rest of him. In the story of Icarus, the Minotaur is described as "half-man, half-bull monster". Max in "Where the Wild Things Are" sees himself as half-boy, half-monster. Once Max put on his monster costume, his wild side came out towards his mom and got him in trouble and sent to his room. When Max got in trouble, that showed that he is still a little boy and not fully a monster. Because the Minotaur in the painting was half-man, he still had human duties to do such as plowing; just like Max had to go to his room because he's still a boy.
ReplyDeleteIn Brueghel's painting "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus" there is the body of a man being submerged in water, drowning, while the people around are oblivious and continuing on with their lives. The tragedy of one person often goes unnoticed by others who are only consumed in their lives. As W.H Auden's poem states "the expensive and delicate ship that must have seen something amazing, a boy falling out of the sky, had somewhere to get to and sailed calmly on." The downfall or feelings of one person may go unnoticed by another. Just as in Thomas Hardy's poem "Nobody Comes" the man speaks of how "a car comes up, with lamps full-glare, That flash upon a tree: It has nothing to do with me, and whangs along in a world of its own." Every person has their own life, their own problems, their own plans. There is not enough time to worry about everyone else in the world. It has been imprinted in us since the day we were born. "Worry about yourself, not anyone else." is a common phrase engraved into our minds. These three pieces of literature and art all amount to the same thing, the human race is trained to continue moving through everyday life no matter what is happening around them. Our autopilot is self salvation, not human salvation.
ReplyDeleteIn Bruegel's painting "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus" the image portrays Icarus falling into the ocean. However the world around him continues to mind their own business. The ploughman continues to do his job and the ship that is sailing past pays no mind to him either. In this scenery Bruegel creates the idea that everyone is absorbed into their own world. No one is worried about what goes on around them so long as their own world is not disrupted. Another text where this can be seen in is "The Catcher in the Rye". In that novel Holden has a similar experience to Icarus while in Manhattan. In this large city everybody is worried about themselves and could care less about anybody else. The streets are filled with people and taxis all of which are oblivious to the world around them. Thus causing the image and Catcher in the Rye to share similarities.
ReplyDeleteBruegel' s painting of "Landscape with the fall of Icarus" and "This is water" by David Foster both show an understanding of humanity's ways. In the painting, Icarus is drowning from his high ego. Those around him, pay no attention. The boat continues to row, the fisher is still fishing & the shepherd is tending to his sheep. They care nothing about Icarus because they are too busy in their own world. The maize has mentally trapped them to think of nothing but themselves. Just as "This is water" depicts that people are not aware of their surroundings becayse they focus too much on themselves. People don't stop to see how others are, or who needs help if it doesn't affect their lives.
ReplyDeleteIn the painting, "Musee Des Beaux Arts" the ships are similar to the taxi driver in "Catcher in the Rye". The ships were fascinated by the sight of a boy falling from the sky; however, they continued on their journey because they had a job to do. The taxi driver in "Catcher in the Rye" was offered to go out for drinks by Holden and refused, though he may have wanted to, because he had a job to do as well. Both pieces shyed away from a boy in need of attention greatly.
ReplyDeleteIn the painting of "Landscape of the fall of Icarus" the artist uses irony and perception to explain the poets meaning in the poem. In the painting Icarus is very hard to point out while the farmer will probably be the first thing you see. This shows what the poet was saying by what was more important to people, their everyday lives or others hardships. In the children's story "Where the Wild Things Are" when Max comes back from his journey it seemingly to go unnoticed. The author expresses how it took a long time for Max to get to the new land and back but when he comes back to his room the night wasn't even over. Although Max's journey had been very important to him it didn't effect his mom or the world around him as much. This is similar to Icarus death how life still went on even if his didn't. Both pieces shows irony and point of view to demonstrate how personal lessons or journeys don't go any further than who is dealing with them.
ReplyDeleteIn Bruegel's painting "Landscape with the fall of Icarus" the image depicts the Greek myth of Icarus and Daedalus. In the image, if you look closely, is Icarus falling into the ocean because of his failure of flying to escape the Labyrinth.Bruegel forces us to look closely at how Icarus death goes unnoticed and the irony surrounding him. Everyone around Icarus isn't paying him any attention, which is shown with the ploughman, and it is seen as merely a boy going for a swim. Bruegel's painting is a depiction of self-absorption and how little we recognize whats going on in the world around us. This is similar to what we see in " The Catcher in the Rye" with Holden. In the novel Holden is concerned with whats going to happen with the ducks and the taxi driver is only concerned with getting his money. Both the painting and novel shows us how we all need to stop and look at the world around us, not at our own selfish desires.
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ReplyDeleteThe painting “ the fall of Icarus” by Brughel depicts how the world works. In the painting the main focuses are workers and coastal cities that give off a tone of serenity. Then in the corner of the painting is Icarus drowning. In the painting nobody tries to help him either. A Fisher not too far from him doesn’t even try to save him and a boat sails right by him. This painting shows how the real world works in a sense that the problems of one means nothing to everything around him. In the painting there’s a plough man who is focused on his tedious and repetitive work creating his own “labyrinth” that contains him the “minotaur”. Putting both meanings together, people are stuck in the labyrinth of day to day work to pay attention to others even if they are suffering like icarus. This ties into the text “this is water” that also has the similar theme of people with a default setting in life that don’t pay attention to the feelings of others. With the labyrinth of work we turn into minotaurs , a beast, that develops a default setting on life and therefore doesn’t care for others.
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