Thursday, November 12, 2015

Blog Assignment Week of 11.13

Use the sentence frame below to analyze "Young Goodman Brown"

In his (novel or short story) (title)________________(author)______________________________ uses 

______________________ (literary element) to ____ by  ____


  1. In his novel "Young Goodman Brown," author Nathaniel Hawthorne uses ambiguity and allegory to describe the story by using characters throughout the text to bring out the difference in Goodman Browns and his surroundings. For example, as Goodman brown leaves his wife Faith at home to go into the evil forest he is also leaving behind his faith and religion when trespassing on lands of "evil".

  2. In his short story "Young Goodman Brown", Nathaniel Hawthorne maintains an ambiguous tone to hint to the true intentions of the elder traveler by using the progressing events of the story as an allegory for the Salem With Trials.

  3. In his short story "Young Goodman Brown," author Nathaniel Hawthorne uses allegory to portray the characters throughout the text to bring out the ambient.

  4. In his short story "Young Goodman Brown," Nathaniel Hawthorne uses allegory and an ambiguous tone to emphasize the hypocrisy in social norms and culture by describing a mans journey into the forest where his faith and virtue are challenged.

  5. In his short story “Young Goodman Brown”, Nathaniel Hawthorne uses allegory and an ambiguous tone to explain the errand the characters is on while challenging Young Goodman's faith.


  6. In his short story "Young Goodman Brown Nathaniel Hawthorne uses allegory and ambiguity to represent what's really happening in Boston by using an iceberg type of writing

  7. In his short story "Young Goodman Brown" Nathaniel Hawthorne uses allegory and and ambiguous tone to explain the character, Goodman Brown and others characters in the short story by challenging Goodman Browns faith.

  8. In his story "Young Goodman Brown" Nathaniel Hawthorne uses allegory and an ambiguous tone to depict the morality of people around you by raising suspicion of an acquaintance who challenges Goodman's faith and virtue.

  9. Journey Alexander as Joyce Alexander:

    In Nathaniel Hawthorne's story "Young Goodman Brown" the author uses allegory and an ambiguous tone to display the tribulations that Goodman Brown goes through as a test to his faith and religion.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. In his short story "Young Goodman Brown" Nathaniel Hawthorne uses allegory and an ambiguous tone to foreshadow the bad events that come later in the story by using dark characters.

  12. In his short story "Young Goodman Brown" Nathaniel Hawthorne uses allegory and an ambiguous tone to foreshadow the bad events that come later in the story by using dark characters.

  13. In his short story "Young Goodman Brown" Nathaniel Hawthorne utilizes ambiguous and allegorical references that make the reader have multiple interpretations of the story. For instance, as Young Goodman Brown explains why he is late he states, "Faith kept me back awhile.." In his reasoning Faith can be interpreted in two ways. It could be that he is leaving his wife, Faith as he sets off on his journey or that he is leaving his faith in God and going to walk with the Devil.

  14. In his short story Young Goodman Brown, Nathaniel Hawthorne uses ambiguity to show the “elder traveler” as having many interpretations by using an allegorical manner to describe him as having a hidden meaning of him representing the devil.

  15. In his short story Young Goodman Brown, Nathaniel Hawthorne uses ambiguity to show the elder traveler and Faith having multiple different meanings and messages.

  16. In his short story, Young Goodman Brown, Nathaniel Hawthorne uses an allegorical literary technique when he illustrates the elder traveler's serpent staff and ambiguity when it comes to Goodman Brown's wife, Faith.

  17. In his short story, “Young Goodman Brown”, Nathaniel Hawthorne uses symbolism, allegory and imagery to subtly depict the 17th century colonial America, particularly Salem, Massachusetts for what it really was by giving the characters specific names that have abstract pure beliefs, morals behind them.

  18. In his short story, "Young Goodman Brown", Nathaniel Hawthorne uses allegory and an ambiguous tone to portray the characters purpose and meaning to the story in multiple ways.

  19. In his short story "Young Goodman Brown" Nathaniel Hawthorne uses an ambiguous tone as well as symbolism to potray his characters as well as an underlying message. Nathaniel uses symbolism with things such as the serpent staff. The staff is said to resemble a snake which symbolizes the elders true identity. He is clearly a bad character which is also highlighted when the elder touches things and they die. Furthermore the tone is ambiguous because Faith as well as the elder traveler can be viewed in multiple different ways.

  20. In his short story "Young Goodman Brown" Nathaniel Hawthorne uses an ambiguous tone as well as symbolism to potray his characters as well as an underlying message. Nathaniel uses symbolism with things such as the serpent staff. The staff is said to resemble a snake which symbolizes the elders true identity. He is clearly a bad character which is also highlighted when the elder touches things and they die. Furthermore the tone is ambiguous because Faith as well as the elder traveler can be viewed in multiple different ways.

  21. In his short story,"Young Goodman Brown",Nathaniel Hawthorne uses a allegorical literary technique and a ambiguous tone to depict the 17th century colonial period in Salem,Massachusetts and to give hints through out the play of the true intentions,the elder has.

  22. In the short story, "Young Goodman Brown" Nathaniel Hawthorne uses ambiguity to depict how Goodman Brown's situation can be relatable to life experiences by having biblical references as well as vague yet specific statements such as, “crossing the threshold" that are almost universal for different aspects of life.

  23. In the short story, "Young Goodman Brow" Nathaniel Hawthorne uses ambiguity and allegory to explain a realistic life experience by writing a similar story to that of the Salem Witch Trials.

  24. In his short story "Young Goodman Brown" Nathaniel Hawthorne uses allegory and and ambiguous tone to explain the character, Goodman Brown and others characters in the short story by challenging Goodman Browns faith

  25. In his short story "Young Goodman Brown" Nathaniel Hawthorne uses allusion to demonstrate the hypocritical event of his surrounding by Goodman Brown, having the temptation of what is real around him and know that his thoughts are not twisted but filled with faith and not have the forest nature represent the devil.

  26. In his short story "Young Goodman Brown" Nathaniel Hawthorne uses symbolism and figurative language to demonstrate the religious complexity of life in Salem Massachusetts in the 17th century.

  27. In his short story "Young Goodman Brown" Nathaniel Hawthorne uses symbolism and figurative language to represent the ambivalent hypocrisy of Young Goodman Brown by allegory.

  28. In his short story "Young Goodman Brown" Nathaniel Hawthorne uses symbolism and figurative language to represent the ambivalent hypocrisy of Young Goodman Brown by allegory.
